moving on

Good morning, all. I think its an opportune time to take a moment to just remind all that I strive to be a neutral party. I purposely try to stay out of your personal business. If you want my attention/ need my help, ASK. Don’t presume I can guess what you need. I am not your keeper. Take responsibility for your choices and yourselves, including asking for help if you need it. Otherwise, as it was pointed out to me, I’m interfering.

Most of you know, I’m not on the blog everyday. I have a life and I’m living it. Sometimes, I may not see your post on the Avenue for days, which is why I remind you all that you can always private message me if you don’t think you should put your request or presence on the Avenue, of even if you feel you want to alert me to something I may not have seen. There’s a link to email me at the bottom right corner of the page.

This week in science. Nice to see there is a potential solution to plastic waste, and reclaiming 15% of land for animals, could prevent 60% of animal extinctions:

Thanks for visiting, Louis. It was very nice to see you. Such a good kisser! I appreciate the reminder that there are some aliens that can be quite pleasurable to be around. Take care, Lover.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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3 Responses to moving on

  1. Louis says:

    I will be sharing the “Such a good kisser w the Universe wherever I go. Looking forward to a repeat performance if you allow me to see you again before you leave.

    • Katina says:

      Louis, perhaps you should proof read your posts before you hit “post comment. “

  2. G/71 says:

    I couldn’t finish Ionia’s comment or check for others after it. Were there others?

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