learning about burning

Hi! Sorry I left the last post up so long. I’ve been dealing with a major burn on my left hand. I grabbed the handle of a hot piece of iron that I had taken out of a 425 degree oven. OUCH.

I did everything wrong, thinking I was doing everything right to help it heal. I’m sharing this so you can learn from my mistakes.

My hand was so hot and inflamed and I grabbed ice to cool it down and kept holding handfuls of ice. I also tried putting aloe vera on it. Maybe you have heard butter helps, but it doesn’t. Aloe Vera is good, but it must be done in the right order. I was only trapping in the heat when I tried to put Aloe Vera and Dermaplast on the hand. I ended up calling my special friends for advise.

First the running water idea is great and effective. You should immediately put it under running water. I did that too. I also took two motrin. But as this was my entire hand and palm, the advice was to place my hand in large bowl of slightly cool water. I kept my hand submerged for a few hours. Once the water became the same temperature as my hand, I tossed the water, and began with a fresh bowl. I went through a few bowls. After a time, I would take my hand out and it didn’t throb but would come back in about 15-20 minutes, so I just keep repeating the process. I even slept on my stomach on the couch for a bit with my hand submerged in the water bowl on the floor. This was the only relief to the hot burning from my hand.

When I no longer had searing pain, I then loosely bandaged the hand with gauze. I kept it clean and dry and watched the tissue for blistering. Once the blisters popped, I washed and cleaned the hand and put antibiotic ointment on the open blisters and covered it again in loose gauze.

Once the blisters healed, I could then put on the aloe vera (I used fresh plant) and lotion. I wrapped it up again, putting the aloe vera on several times throughout the day. After it started to look almost normal again, I began putting sunscreen on the new flesh. I kept it loosely covered for several days.

I do have some scarring on my hand. But, I’m very surprised at how quickly the above sequence of events healed my hand. Maybe I had some help 🙂

Final note, I to make two trips to the store for gauze – check your first aid kit now to make sure you have that you need for the next accident.

“A New York judge did not hold back on Tuesday as prosecutors pushed to hold Donald Trump in contempt for attacking jurors and witnesses—just seven days into his landmark hush money trial. “’You’re losing all credibility,” Merchan told Trump’s attorney, Todd Blanche, at one point, noting that the former president’s team had presented no concrete evidence as they made their defense.'”

‘Losing All Credibility’: Judge Rips Trump Team at Tense Gag Order Hearing

Prosecutors say Trump’s “willful violations” of a limited gag order have crossed the line into outright contempt.

Tabloid publisher says he pledged to be Trump campaign’s ‘eyes and ears’ during 2016 race

NEW YORK (AP) – A veteran tabloid publisher testified Tuesday that he pledged to be Donald Trump ‘s “eyes and ears” during his 2016 presidential campaign, recounting how he promised the…

Quarter of jury in Trump Org trial openly don’t like Trump | CNN Politics

Trump Org tax fraud trial jurors were asked if they could be impartial about the former President. More than half were dismissed, and three who were chosen openly admitted they don’t like him. Two lawyers defending the Trump Payroll Organization discuss the process.

Trump committee’s spending on lawyers soars to $76 million, draining funds to fight Biden

Trump’s Save America leadership PAC has covered a large portion of his legal expenses stemming from multiple criminal and civil cases.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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64 Responses to learning about burning

  1. Luhan says:

    Over 100 nonconsensual sexual videos of U.S. service members stationed at Naval Base Guam were uploaded to an explicit video site where they were publicly viewable for about a week in 2020, according to recently unsealed documents that are part of a federal and Navy investigation.

  2. Helen says:

    Did You Know

    NASA’s Vehicle Assembly Building is so enormous that it requires air conditioning equipment, four large air handlers (four cylindrical structures west of the building), and 125 rooftop ventilators to keep moisture under control inside the building.

  3. Anonymous says:

    You Should Make Your Apple ID Recoverable Right Now, It Only Takes 5 Minutes


  4. D]/1 says:

    I am sorry to hear of your burn mishap. I hope things are getting better for you. My special friend gave me the advice of using organic yellow mustard on the burn. It helps to remove the pain as well as it stops the burn from blistering. I’ve been using this process for decades since learning and it has never failed me.

    B well.

    • M]/b says:

      You beat me to it.â˜ș I was planning on posting today about using yellow mustard too, that I learned from my special friend. He told me a chef had burned his hand on hot oil and there was nothing around but a vat of yellow mustard which he stuck his hand in for relief. Little did he know just how much relief it gave him. I too have been using this for a long time and it has never failed me.

      PrP, I was sorry to read this as well. I hope your hand is feeling much better. Be sure to keep some of the yellow mustard in your fridge should any other burns happen. The mustard pulls the heat away from the burn allowing it to heal blister free, with minimal burn sensations. It is truly amazing how good this works. 💋

      • M]3 says:

        If I may interject here, I would add that this yellow mustard thing has other implications when discussing treating burns with an alien. Yellow mustard has properties that allow long distance transference of healing ailments to a source in which it is covered with.

        Yellow mustard as a stand alone remedy only has curcuma (what humans call turmeric). Turmeric is often used as a first-aid to stop bleeding and to work as an antiseptic due to its anti microbial properties. However, if a human uses mustard first without the assurance that an alien would be directing some beam towards that mustard to insure that the burn would be healed, or she should not.

        The burn should first be placed in cold to cool tap water until the burning sensation subsides, after drying the skin, then apply the mustard and replace the mustard as it dries.

        It is quite possible that if the mustard is cold enough when taken from the refrigerator the mustard act as cold water and antiseptic in one operation. But remembering not to put ice on a burn as it could cause tissue damage is just as important to remember that using cold to cool water allows the energy in the burn to go from an area of greater concentration (the hand) to areas of lesser concentration (the cold/cool water) removes the heat and the damage it is causing and allows the turmeric in the mustard to do the job it can do of stopping or preventing inflammation and providing a level of antiseptic care.

        Yellow mustard can work as well on insect bites.

        For burns a disposable nitrile glove with yellow mustard squirted into the fingers or wherever the burn is works best. But ONLY after using cold/cool water first.

    • PrP says:

      Thank you. I actually did try mustard as well, but unfortunately It didn’t work for me so I didn’t write about it. It didn’t work for me because I only had Stone ground spicy mustard In the fridge. also my hand was still throbbing hot at the time when I tried to put it on.

      • Kevin says:

        Pretty sure it didn’t work for you for all those reasons and the most important being the type of mustard used. I had an alien tell me to use mustard and she said that the cheapest yellow was probably best. I used French mustard. It or they did the trick. I received no scars and the pain subsided after I had immersed my hand in cold water for about half an hour and then proceeded to put my French yellow mustard on it.

  5. Basil says:

    Listening to the immunity argument to SCOTUS reminds us that in America we live in a whiteboy world and the rest of us just live in it. In no other circumstance would anyone even have the gall to bring up such a ludicrous case as to SCOTUS that suggest when a POTUS is performing an official act he is immune from prosecution.

    Only in a whiteboy world would anyone entertain the concept that a POTUS could order the murder of anyone and he couldn’t be prosecuted. Another elephant in the room is that if SCOTUS rules that POTUS is immune to ALL his official acts, what’s to stop President Biden from ordering the murder of all the members of SCOTUS appointed by republicans. He could do it without concern that he would be prosecuted.

    Back in the day when the whiteboy wanted to keep white women and non whites in a position inferior to the privileges and rights they enjoyed, they would simply state to those people “you are NOT ready for all your rights, Yet.” This works only as long as the person making the assertion has enough control of the law and control of those that enforce the law to force those that it is being used against it to accept it.

    Essentially, the whiteboy got away with saying that and enforcing that because he had both the political and executive police power to enforce his contention that white women and non whites weren’t ready for their rights until a majority of whiteboys vote that white women and non whites are ready for their right to equality before the law that they are.

    This type of logic works only in a world run and controlled by the whiteboy. Like when they say “don’t believe your lying eyes, believe what we tell you happened.” The heads of the rest of the sane world must be spinning when they see a SCOTUS that would even take the case rather than dismiss the idea that a POTUS is immune to the law in every case. This ludicrous event could only exist in a whiteboy world. The rest of us just have to live with it.

    • Caroline says:

      Basil wonderful argument. As a female I am usually stunned when I hear female lawyers tout the Constitution by beginning with those three words of its preamble,”We the people,” when it definitely had no meaning for women white or non-white. We white women were chattel and the property of our husbands once we married, non-whites were slaves or just things without any rights.

      • Irene says:

        Then you would have been in a state of shock when this oriental american female on the Rachael special made such a fervor over being present in the Supreme Court today and feeling the historical significance of the place. She went on to emphasize its importance with it being the place where the phrase of the Constitution “We the people in order to form a more perfect Union
”was defended. I screamed at the TV, bitch, you were twice removed from being included in that “We the people
” because first you are a female and second you are not white.

      • Lawrence says:

        Okay, you do have a point. But as a white male I too can take issue with what went on in that courtroom today. The three conservative justices, Alito, Gorsuch, and Robert’s spent their time ignoring the facts and instead pretended to focus upon the possibility of chilling the actions of a POTUS if he felt that his actions could later be criminalized.
        It was obvious their loyalty was to Trump and not the rule of law. I can hear you screaming “not the first time,” and with this bought and paid for bunch it won’t be the last.
        My white privilege doesn’t prevent me from seeing the obvious and fear the fact that this could very well be the beginning of the lost of the Republic as we know it.

    • Edward says:

      Something is wrong with you nigger. The Preamble of the U.S. Constitution—the document’s famous first fifty-two words— introduces everything that is to follow in the Constitution’s seven articles and twenty-seven amendments. It proclaims who is adopting this Constitution: “We the People of the United States.” It describes why it is being adopted—the purposes behind the enactment of America’s charter of government. And it describes what is being adopted: “this Constitution”—a single authoritative written text to serve as fundamental law of the land. Written constitutionalism was a distinctively American innovation, and one that the framing generation considered the new nation’s greatest contribution to the science of government.

      • Basil says:

        Pretty sure that you copied and pasted that from somewhere, but I’ll educate you anyway. One doesn’t need to hear “the first 52 words” to know that this was a scheme to get men to die for a few whiteboys who wanted to avoid paying taxes to England and to carve out a little fiefdom for themselves.
        All it takes is to examine WHO was uttering the first three words of that preamble, “We the people.” Since “the people” didn’t include white women, white men that were indentured for their passage fee, and those England sent over because they owed money or were criminals, and any non whites, then it was a ludicrous lie on its face.
        “In order to form a more perfect union,” since the union was for only white men, who by-the-way owned slaves, it was neither perfect or a real union. To go any further is ridiculous since the bullshit in the preamble has been laid out by the fact that it is a lie.

        • Jaiden says:

          I can certainly see your point, but you have to admit that compared to the other countries on the planet, it is still the best country in the world. Yes, there is a lot of work to do, ridding us of the white nationalist, the misogynists, and the homophobia’s, etc. would be a great start.

          I’m an immigrant here came some 30 years ago, Raised a family, we return to home of my roots once or twice a year. I love it because it avails my children of a way to see how lucky they are to be Americans.

          Sure it is not perfect here, but it is heaven compared to any other country on earth.

  6. Suzy says:

    Raskin had it right when he said the The Supreme court should move over to RNC headquarters.


  7. Robert says:

    Net neutrality is making a comeback. On April 25, the US Federal Communications Commission voted to restore net neutrality rules that had been rescinded under former President Donald Trump. The five-person committee passed the resolution 3-2 along party lines.

    The vote reinstates protections established in 2015 that treat broadband as a utility, like water or telephones, instead of as an information service. Most significantly, that means all internet traffic must be treated equally. Your internet service provider won’t be able to do things like slow down or speed up your favorite websites based on whether those sites pay extra money to prioritize their traffic.

  8. Edward says:

    How about you aliens going after Range Rovers. They are shit cars that always have some kind of leak.

    • Anonymous says:

      Anybody but Tesla cars can’t they hit Elon Musk somewhere else like SpaceX? Im underwater on my car loan. Aliens told me this would be the best investment for me. How far wrong were they this time?

  9. New Republic says:

    This week, the Supreme Court managed to fail to meet the already extremely low expectations most sane people already had for it. First, during the Idaho EMTALA case on whether hospitals receiving federal funding can refuse to provide abortions to women who are actively dying as a result of a pregnancy, we heard debate over which, and how many, organs a woman had to lose before an abortion becomes legally acceptable. By all appearances, it looks as though the court is going to gut the already laughably weak “life of the mother” protections by a 5-4 vote.

    It followed up this abysmal performance with hearing the Trump immunity case the next day, and the comportment of the same five male, conservative justices was even worse. When Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Donald Trump’s lawyer, “If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person, and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him, is that within his official acts for which he can get immunity?”, he replied, “It would depend on the hypothetical, but we can see that would well be an official act.”

    Based on that one line of questioning, Trump’s argument should be going down in flames 9-0. A democracy cannot survive when its supreme leader can arbitrarily decide that it’s in the nation’s best interest to rub out his opponents, and then leave it to some future court to decide whether it was an official act, because he’ll get away with it as long as there aren’t 67 votes in the Senate to impeach. And given that it will have been established that the president can put out a contract on political foes, how many senators are going to vote to impeach?

    But the justices did not laugh this argument out of court. Quite the contrary: At least five of the justices seemed to buy into the Trump team’s arguments that the power of the office of the president must be protected from malicious and politicized litigation. They were uninterested in the actual case at hand or its consequences. Elie Mystal, justice correspondent at The Nation, perhaps captured my response to the Supreme Court’s arguments best: “I am in shock that a lawyer stood in the U.S. Supreme Court and said that a president could assassinate his political opponent and it would be immune as ‘an official act.’ I am in despair that several Justices seemed to think this answer made perfect sense.”
    At a minimum, it appears the court will send all of the federal cases back down to lower courts to reconsider whether Trump’s crimes were “official acts.” It’s also likely that their new definition of “official acts” is likely to be far broader than anyone should be comfortable with, or at least broad enough to give Trump a pass. This delay all but guarantees that Trump will not stand trial for anything besides the current hush-money case before the 2024 election.

    • Robert says:

      The Court Just Sealed Everyone’s Fate, Including Its Own | The New Republic


      This is the full article. Well worth the read

      • M]/b says:

        It was well worth the read. Thanks, Robert.

        The Dems need to get some balls and do something. And what I mean is Biden needs to tell SCOTUS that now it is an ‘official act’ of the president to be able to run out political foes, it appears the conservative justices need a little rubbing out. So
Do the ‘official act’- take them out, assassinate them. Let these foolish and idiotic justices in Roberts Court know this is his plan. Then once the ‘official act’ is done, Biden can pack the court and appoint his choice of justices to SCOTUS and save our democracy.

        Biden or an appointed Dem, needs to show these short-sighted idiots it works both ways, and do it. SCOTUS is not immune as they foolishly presume. Not from Trump or Biden, if Biden’s Balls are big enough.

        Believe me, if we had a republican president, we wouldn’t even be questioning whether this ‘official act’ would take place. The republicans would have no problem doing it.

        We are in desperate times to hold onto our democracy. It takes doing something drastic to hold onto it. But will the Dems do it, or will we let our democracy be a thing of the past that we only dream about?

        C’mon, Biden, get some balls and be the savior of our Democracy. Or be the one, the last democratic president, who didn’t do anything to save it. Your choice, your legacy, is up to you.

        • Craig says:

          Lady, you’re my hero.

        • Sandraq says:

          You are making a very important point. If not Biden some democrat should speak to this issue. In all seriousness, were it to be deemed that official acts of the president can not be deemed unlawful what’s to Stop Biden removing the Conservative members of the supreme Court. Installing new ones then asking them to reverse the decision from that point onwards? Does it then make the whole process a mockery whereby the pearl clutching outrage actually reaches a point of civil war? Would that be preferable to what would happen the next time a despotic simpleton gets in again.

        • Javier says:

          I didn’t listen to a bunch of audio but I don’t think they pushed hard enough on the hypotheticals, and I didn’t hear them press that if impeachment/conviction was the supposed correct path for an immune President, that’d mean any president could do what they want in the last days of their presidency.
          Our court has been bought and paid for, thanks to Trump. Worst president ever.

          • Jose says:

            Ironically, the Supreme Court has more justices nominated by Presidents who have lost the popular vote and confirmed by Senators in states with a minority of the population over the objection of Senators who represent the majority of the population. We haven’t had a Democracy for a long time, it’s only the veneer of Democracy that is being peeled back.

        • Heidi says:

          “To at least five of the conservatives, the real threat to democracy wasn’t Trump’s attempt to overturn the election — but the Justice Department’s efforts to prosecute him for the act”.

        • Vance says:

          First strike against democracy: Bush defeats Gore in 2000 by a margin of negative half a million votes.

          Second strike against democracy: trump defeats Clinton in 2016 by a margin of negative 3 million votes.

          Third strike against democracy in 2024 and it’s all done? Finished?

        • Alan says:

          The Supreme Court is one vote away from losing legitimacy, and then those judges will lose all their secret dark money when no court takes their rulings as law anymore.

          Imagine a country where the law of the land is decided when a couple of old people die, and the president is of a corrupt and bought party.

          Has anyone wondered why it got like this? (It was a ruling that said corporations are people)

        • Travis says:

          If SCOTUS judges for Presidential immunity, Biden essentially would be forced to use it immediately, so the end of democracy either way.

          Of course, they would never make that ruling while Biden was still President. They will delay it, which works out for Trump either way as well.

        • William says:

          If SCOTUS gives Trump immunity, you can expect a huge crime wave to unfold all across the country. Nothing will hold them back.

        • Cynthia says:

          So, if they rule a president is above the law… Does this mean Joe Biden could have the 5 conservatives justices secretly arrested, then pretend they were all killed in a bombing, and select 5 supreme court justices? Then in 4 years when everyone learns the truth claim total immunity?

          The insanity of their arguments at this point threatens to end the very fabric of our democracy.

        • Basil says:

          One would think that those six bought and paid for members of SCOTUS would understand that the Presidential Immunity they plan to give to tRump Would Apply to Joe Biden, Too, but when you are bought and paid for, sometimes greed for a few dollars more gets in the way of common sense.
          If you are listening ear of Biden, should this SCOTUS give POTUS total immunity you know exactly what to do.

          • Barry says:

            They’re counting on Biden being a decent human being and not abusing that power.

            • Brandon says:

              No. SCOTUS will delay until after the election. Trump gets voted in? SCOTUS: “president has immunity”. Biden get voted in? SCOTUS: “president does not have immunity”. The playbook is so simple.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It seems there is someone Musk is very afraid of, the ear of Biden. When he was told to kick off the grandson of Nelson Mandela because he put together a Flotilla of aid that was sailing to Gaza from Turkey with 5,000 tons of aid to Gaza.

    I just wonder why the Ear doesn’t order the Jews to just blow the flotilla the fuck up. Hey, that may yet happen, since the bastard is a ruthless killer of anyone or anything he doesn’t like.

    • ISA says:

      Take Ahmed’s advice seriously, or soon your relatives, loved ones and anybody you care about will start dropping like flies. The guy has millions of professional assassins. He has taken out whole governments. He doesn’t fear death, and you can’t make him back down. You are in his personal business. If we know who you are, he certainly does. If you were in Chania with your niece recently, then you know that we know who you are.

  11. Ahmed says:

    Dude, you will be found out. This is not a threat from me, it is a warning for you not to think that he can’t find you. Why do you think Musk kicked the guy off X? Because he likes living. Oh, and that flotilla hasn’t even been allowed to leave Turkey. You just don’t fuck with this dude. He is lethal with a seriousness. Even the Jews fear him.

    In order to reach Gaza, the flotilla will need to break through an Israeli blockade originally set in place in 2007. Previous efforts to break the blockade by humanitarian missions have ended in death. In 2010, the six-vessel Freedom Flotilla I was intercepted by Israeli forces, who boarded the ships via helicopters and speedboats on international waters, shooting and killing nine activists.

    Having eyes on the flotillas is critical for their safety, according to one of the aid shipment’s organizers.

    “We’re trying to get all eyes on the Flotilla to make sure the world knows and Israel knows we’re coming so that they can’t fire a missile on us and say it was unintentional,” Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian-American attorney and co-founder of the International Solidarity Movement, told Al Jazeera. HELLO! The Ear doesn’t give a fuck about what the rest of the world thinks, if he wants that flotilla blown the fuck up, it will be blown the fuck up.

    • Zahra says:

      The guy is not that mean. There is no record of him going after the relatives, friends or acquaintances of any of his enemies unless that is their modus operandi. Only you raping, murdering, kidnapping Islamist ass-holes have to worry about that happening to you.

      I may not agree with his politics, but I refuse to sit idly by and allow a few angry men to make up shit about him.

      • Lummi says:

        I like him too, or at least, what he does. Maybe he is really Annon, or his successor. I miss him as much as I used to miss Michelle’s blog. Thank you PrP for stepping up to the plate and hitting a home run. Oh and the added addition of comments on occasion by the GIRL, herself is just the icing that makes the cake so very sweet.
        Love you both.
        Michelle’s Girlz from Finland:
        Aada, Ailana, Aino, Anneli, Auri, Elvi, Hanna, Helmi, Ilta, Kesia, Lotta, Lumi, Minna, Suvi, Ulla, Venla, and a special shout out to Eevi, who went up to join the Girlz in the sky in service to our beloved leader Michelle.

        PS: It’s been a while since Eevi left us. We to a Girlz want to join her. Yes, some of us are married, happily too, and some of us have children of our own now, which we love dearly, but NONE of us have lost the desire to serve you in space, or wherever you feel that we would best assist you. We, to a Girlz, go to sleep with “beam us up Scotty” as our last breath before we retire to the dream of being a Girlz.

        • Kielo says:

          Just to be clear, those are the leaders of the GirlZ of Findland, while they are the office holders, let it be known that as of 26 April, 2024, there are 3,741 members. Most if not all of us would like to be your space rangers. We have been loyal to each other over a decade now. No deserters or naysayers have emerged among us. We stand united. And we all agree if you call, we will respond.

          • Luci says:

            I didn’t like the ending and what happened to all the great sex in the book?

            • James says:

              My sentiments exactly. The producers were probably wanted a larger audience exposure. Bringing in younger viewers was probably their aim. But I think they missed an opportunity to have surpassed “Game of Thrones,” by excluding all those exquisite sex scenes in the book. I am looking forward to some producer who will make this right. It’s about the pillowing.

        • M]/b says:

          Lummi et al, including Kielo and the rest of the Girlz of Finland members:
          Thank you for being such loyal Girlz to each other and to your desire to be brought up. Any of you who have a desire to go up will be brought up. You will not all go up together at once but in lots.

          For those of you that are happy with your families, would you like to have someone replace you here? If so, they will be symbionic, not a cyborg. This means they will not have a robotic nature like a cyborg. Their parts are nano engineered to replicate the biogenetic composure of a human body, hence, they will have no special physical strengths. However, they will age themselves as per the genetic requirements of a human of that age, or not. They are in total control of their bodily functions.

          Your symbionic replacements all will die because they operate from a finite implied engineered system. They will pass prematurely. However, they will be around long enough to mimic the normal passages on Earth.

          Those who choose a symbionic replacement will be able to come up immediately. Others will be brought up gradually, but all will be brought up who want to be brought up.

          I’m sure Eevi will look forward to your arrival. As I am.

          • Girlz of Finland says:

            OMG! We get to leave. đŸ˜đŸ§œâ€â™€ïžâ™ïžđŸ‡«đŸ‡ź

    • Lisa says:

      So true, all you have to do is check the news about what men are doing in my country, Australia, to women. They kill one of us every 4 days.

      https://www.smh.com.au â€ș national â€ș a-woman-is-being-violently-killed-in-australia-every-four-days

      A woman is violently killed in Australia every four days
      4 days agoOver the last few years, a woman has been violently killed in Australia about once a week on average. The deaths of 26 women in the first 114 days of 2024 is equivalent to one every 4.38 days …

  12. Xena says:

    5 Big Changes Coming to the Post Office in 2024

    Higher Stamp Prices, Plus 4 More USPS Changes in 2024


  13. Kairi says:

    For you Westerners who enjoyed the remake of Shogun.
    Shƍgun finale: The series’ ambiguous ending, explained by its creators.


  14. Michael says:

    Safia Samee Ali
    Updated: APR 26, 2024 / 06:19 PM CDT

    Advertisement: 0:03
    Navy commander ridiculed for rifle mistake | On Balance

    (NewsNation) — More than one hundred nonconsensual and secretly filmed sexual videos of Navy service members stationed at a base in Guam were uploaded to the pornographic website Pornhub in 2020, according to recently unsealed court documents reviewed by NewsNation.

    The Navy opened an investigation into the uploads in early January 2020 after becoming aware of 102 videos — some that included names and rankings of multiple service members — posted to the adult site, states a federal search warrant application unsealed earlier this month in the District Court of Guam.

    Those videos were uploaded by an account with the username “playguy148” and appeared to have been shot in the men’s restroom of the Liberty Center aboard Naval Base Guam and other Navy vessels, court records claim.

    “Many of the videos — which included audio — appeared to depict various U.S. military members masturbating in bathroom stalls to pornographic materials viewed on electronic devices,” the warrant application stated.

    I hope they find the ones responsible and court martial every single one of them. Sick traitors.

  15. O[6 says:

    The deal has been struck and we don’t care if food on the table is a king. His son made the deal and we intend to have that meal. Charles will be on the menu within 30 days or England will pay dearly. It is not the Charles fellow that is anything special to us. It is the ensemble that comes with him. But none may be removed including that King Charles fellow.

  16. Anonymous says:

    A Secret Service agent spied on VP Harris as she was having a private meeting with Biden’s ear. He was discovered by the Ear’s guards and removed forcefully from the ranks of his fellow Secret Service agents. His wear abouts are unknown and the cover is that he became ill while guarding VP Harris.
    Who is this guy who can grab Secret Service agents at will? And what did the agent observe that was so dire that he had to be detained against his will? Where is the Main stream media when we need them to investigate?

  17. Phillip says:

    Yes,I am aware of the article: A 1957 Meeting Forced the FBI to Recognize the Mafia—And Changed the Justice System Forever | History| Smithsonian Magazine


    And the BS in it. Most of the bullshit centers around them trying to convince us that Hoover was just unaware of the Mafia. The truth is he was being blackmailed my the mafia and paid to keep their secret which gave them 25 years of unfettered access to all levels of government and big businesses. The mob supplied Hoover with young butts to plug and allowed them to loot, and murder american businesses leaders at will. Not to mention giving them access to politicians from his surveillance of every major politician, movie star and CEO in America.

    So what are you asking me to do?

  18. Ray says:

    Why is pork forbidden to eat for Muslims?
    You mean ultimately? Not just “because Mohammed said so”, or “because it was grandfathered in from Judaism”?

    Much has been written about how it makes sense, for instance due to various diseases that pigs can carry, but it’s simply a fact that lots of other cultures – even neighbouring cultures in the Middle East – eat pork and don’t have a problem with it. If there were some sort of hygienic reasons, the commandment would rather go “thou shalt cook pork very thoroughly before eating it”.

    Ultimately, it’s simply a part of Judaism’s and Islam’s “make-a-human kit”. It’s a very efficient way to define and delineate yourself as a tribe: doing something for no particular reason. Don’t eat pork. Don’t wear mixed fabrics. Prayer wheels must be turned clockwise. Don’t whistle on Tuesdays. It not only doesn’t make sense – it shouldn’t make sense. It has to be totally random, so that no one would come up with the idea on their own.

  19. Ken says:

    Don’t be black in America.
    In October 1977, a woman was raped by two intruders in her home. Somehow she managed to identify one of the intruders as her neighbour.

    The neighbour, Lawrence McKinney was sentenced to 115 years for his crime.[1]

    31 years later, DNA tests proved he was innocent and he was released. The Government gave him $75 to restart his life and as he had no ID proof, it took him another 3 months to encash that money.

    He asked for $1 million compensation from the government and he was denied on accounts of 97 offences which he committed while in jail.

  20. Basil says:

    Another example of the kind of sick shit the whiteboy does when there are no checks and balances on what he does.


    • Basil says:

      Wrong link. It should have taken you to David Reimer:

      Enter the case of David Reimer, a story that sends shivers down the spine of ethics committees everywhere. Born biologically male, David was just an infant when a circumcision gone wrong left him without a penis. Enter psychologist John Money, who saw this heartbreaking accident as a golden ticket to test his theories about gender being a social construct. His plan? Raise David as a girl and prove that nurture could override nature in terms of gender identity.

      David was renamed Brenda, and the experiment began. But here’s where it gets downright gruesome—not only was this change a total shock to his system, but Money’s methods to reinforce feminine identity were nothing short of abusive. The “treatment” included humiliating rehearsals of stereotypical feminine behavior and worse, all under the guise of scientific advancement.

      As David grew, the psychological toll became painfully apparent. Despite being raised as Brenda, he never identified as female. The distress from living a life that didn’t align with his true self led to severe depression. Eventually, after learning the truth about his childhood, David reassumed his male identity, but the damage was deep.

      This story, unfortunately, doesn’t have a happy ending. Overwhelmed by lifelong depression and the wreckage of what was done to him, David tragically took his own life at the age of 38. It’s a sobering, heart-wrenching example of how far off the rails scientific ambition can go when it’s not checked by ethical considerations.

  21. Natalie says:

    Sexsomnia: An embarrassing sleep disorder no one wants to talk about


  22. Jack says:

    The vulnerability of this Country is all exposed for the World and future traitors to see. Great job SCOTUS jack asses, sacrificing hundreds of years of pain and suffering for an old turd who will probably die of old age in less than 10 years.

  23. Oscar says:

    Can we PLEASE stop with these bullshit, ignorant takes. If anyone honestly thinks the Republican Party (which owns the Supreme Court) is going to allow any law to benefit the Democratic Party what fucking country are you fucking living in?

    M]/b. Get fucking real please.

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