hard skills

Discipline has forced consistency to my workout. It’s a shame I had to learn it so late in life.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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12 Responses to hard skills

  1. M]/b says:

    Thank you for the sweet mention and the gorgeous photo. I love it and wish I was there right now enjoying the hot weather, the sunset and the pink flamingos with you. 🥰
    Agree about the discipline switch. I switched it on a long time ago but that doesn’t mean it always works! lol.

  2. Hugo says:

    KingCharles was always a creep. That’s why his mother never would abdicate in favor of his assuming the crown. King Charles and Princess Diana
    On their wedding day, Charles dropped the bombshell confession to Diana that he didn’t love her, a devastating revelation that cast a shadow over what should have been a joyous occasion. Diana, despite her doubts, was bound by the weight of tradition, duty, and public expectation, making the thought of not attending the ceremony an impossible option.

    The world watched as she walked down the aisle, masking her inner turmoil. It was a poignant reminder of the complexities and pressures that can accompany royal unions. Diana’s strength and composure in the face of such heartbreak were a testament to her resilience, and her story remains a poignant chapter in the history of British royalty, reflecting the profound personal sacrifices often required by those thrust into the spotlight.

    He loved dick in his ass and none wore a dick dildo better that his queen.

  3. Robert says:

    Who is the american tactician responsible for putting together a russian military group to invade Russia? How did he get them armed and motivated to contest Putin? Russians against Russians? A Mini civil war? We understand he has the ear of POTUS. What we’d like to know is if he got the aliens to remove Prigozhin before his plane exploded. It seems that some of the men invading Russia are from the Wagner group.
    Surely they do not stand a chance of defying Putin. What kind of diversion is he up to?

    He must be aware that Putin will go nuclear before he will allow russian nationals to get a foothold in Russia. What game is he playing and why is POTUS allowing him to take the world so close to nuclear disaster? If other russian military units join the Ukraine based russian military group, this could spell civil war. I would expect Prigozhin to poke his head up with some kind of explanation of how he survived the plane crash that is supposed to have killed him, if this scheme meets with success.

    It is my guess that we won’t hear anything from Prigozhin until other russian military units join in the fighting against Putin. If Putin shuts it down, Prigozhin will probably stay hidden. I mean if he is alive. Who knows at this point?

    Putin will most certainly be looking to behead this guy. But will he send an assassination team to the USA to get him? I doubt it. So as long as POTUS keeps him on the US mainland, he may survive. But if he heads to HI, Alaska, or any of the US territories, he will be dead meat. Putin has hired assassins from every country imaginable to take this maniac out.

  4. Helen says:

    Did You Know

    Karaoke, the popular form of entertainment wherein amateur singers sing along with instrumental tracks of well-known popular songs, means “empty orchestra” when translated directly from Japanese into English.

    • Helena says:

      Did You Know

      Gold, a highly ductile element, can easily be stretched into a long and thin wire. One ounce of gold will yield a wire fifty miles (80 kilometers) long.

    • Clark says:

      Did You Know

      “E” as a failing grade was phased out in American schools around the 1930s and replaced with “F” so that students wouldn’t confuse “E” with Excellent.

  5. T[6 says:

    Gradual deterioration of the belief in Musk’s leadership works best. We like your efforts so far.

  6. Maryam says:

    It’s payback time for Netanyahu. He worked to screw the democrats when he went all out to help Trump win. The Dems will be working to get rid of him. An added incentive is his alignment with the hard right who wants to steal land of the Palestinians.

  7. Alycedale says:

    In America immunity against viruses has changed since the pandemic caused them to isolate from each other and the usual cold viruses they carry.
    They all went through periods of time where they were social distancing and masking, and went a couple of years without catching a cold.
    Now, as things revert more toward normal, they are contracting a lot of those viruses again that they hadn’t seen for a couple of years. Their response could be different … people catching a cold for the first time in a while may experience it more severely because their immune system has not been repeatedly exposed like it had been in the past.

  8. Y]7 says:

    Just because most earthlings believe that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line is no reason for you to include that ridiculous Euclidean geometry principle in our Simulator training sets. Aliens are not in a two-dimensional place when they land on the Planet Earth. It is a three dimensional body and needs to be negotiated as such.

    On Earth the shortest line that allows two points to be joined is a curve called orthodromy. That is the only principle that needs to be taught to aliens. Since this is true of any spherical planet, the logic escapes us as to why you would deviate from what is understood by our aviators.

  9. Doug]/1 says:

    If you see Tavee say hello from me. I’ve been thinking of her these past few days. I’ve lost her information at this point. Enjoy your new digs. We used to own a home over there. Tavee came to visit when I was there once. Then we went to her place. Anyway, if you see her…

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