a faint whisper of wind

And its a a very faint whisper at that. NASA’s Perseverance rover successfully landed on Mars this week and recorded a whisper of wind, the very first audio sounds of the planet available to HB’s ears … if you can actually hear it.

Next up, the Ingenuity helicopter is ready to take the first powered flight in the atmosphere of Mars. That’s a big milestone for little HBs.

Paul, I’m betting it will make a few women’s too! Cheers!

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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13 Responses to a faint whisper of wind

  1. Paul says:

    Really, PpR, you could have left it up a little longer. I made a visit every day to cop a peak at that inspiration. If I were her husband, she have more than two kids.

  2. O7/3 says:

    The fun will be when we move their toy to another place.

  3. Y^9/z says:

    J^7/*t used 4 unauthorized flybys to reach Pluto. We respectfully request a justification or permission to address the issue independently.

  4. Ted says:

    So is this alien chatter about the Mars landings? And Paul do you have the equipment to handle that much woman?

    • Paul says:

      Another tiny weenie white boy projecting. Sometimes all a man wants to do is acknowledge the wonders of Mother Nature.
      Beyonce is just such a Wonder. It isn’t always about lust. Though I will admit I am not immune to her aura.

      • Gloria. says:

        On the money. I married one. Penis so small, I never really know when we are having sex. I usually expect we are after we bed down when he returns from one of his shootouts from his favorite gun range.

  5. Li3 says:

    “If they can come to Mars we can come to earth,” is not the answer for uncloaking over Nashville.
    Your actions will result in an appropriate response. Report to J^7/9

  6. F/54 says:

    The Gate has reopened on the Mercury side.

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