fuckedy fuck!

I guess it was bound to happen. I have had a very bad sore throat and headache for over a week. I’d taken several tests during that time and they were all negative. My sore throat went away yesterday (a week) but today, I woke up with another bad headache. Of course I tested positive this morning, the day of my work’s fancy holiday lunch. I’m not allowed back at work until I test negative. I feel that is so arbitrary since obviously this is COVID and yet I’ve tested tested negative for a week (not that I am complaining being at home, my favorite place). For the record, I had my fourth Moderna shot a little over two months ago. It would be so lovely to have a cat to curl up with today.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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58 Responses to fuckedy fuck!

  1. LEi says:

    Those of you that have not finalized your transfer of earth personnel, this is the time. The new number is 92. Practice runs will commence at ⁄€‚‚
    Anyone not prepared to furnish complete personnel information will be left out. If there are last minute earthlings that you want brought up, they must be allowed ˜¨Âı´‰Í by ‚fl‚‚ tomorrow.

    • Y*/9 says:

      Some are being very liberal with their favorites. They are even allowing some of them to bring up their own food. Many have brought sandwiches made of meal they do not realize that crumbs from the bread will begin floating around the capsule they are in. Bread is a NO-NO for space food because of this problem. The crumbs could float into the humans’ eyes or get into electronic systems in their capsule. So bread should not be used in space food, if they must bring bread use a tortilla. Burritos are a space food because the flour tortilla doesn’t break up into crumbs.

      • T^/7 says:

        Bread is not the only problem discovered that this liberal policy has produced. The capsules that will enable humans to exist comfortably is a closed system with a recirculated air system so anything that smells unpleasant can make life there miserable.

        So everything that goes up into those capsules must literally pass the smell test. One item specifically are CD’s. Apparently the plastics used to produce them outgas unpleasant smells that humans are not aware of under normal conditions.

        Some clothing fabrics, shoes and several food items have to be rejected. Even some books and other paper items that have absorbed unpleasant smells from their environment (a book that had been in an area where smoking was permitted for example.)

        Leather (dead animal skin treated with strong chemicals to keep it from rotting). Some cosmetics, personal care and grooming products. Even the inks in the various pens and markers humans are prone to bring up have to pass a test.

        I do not envy aliens using his human noses to do this job but unfortunately it must be done. Unless logic prevails and we beam them up naked and bathed.

        • H*/4 says:

          You need not worry about our “liberal policy.” We have been hosting humans on our motherships for centuries. We treat them as we would wish to be treated since we are not human flesh eaters.

          Items that are not allowed in their quarters: Any breads that are gluten based since they will degenerate if opened. Popcorn it will clog their air system and it will float into everything.

          Any item that emits an odor. All pens that are gel based. Cosmetics that are not made of NASA approved materials. Any toiletry that is not NASA tested. Any object that is flammable. Any object that contains carbonation.

          Beans are banned. Any electronic that contains a NICAD or NIMH battery. Any object made of glass. Any object that is sharp. Any spices that are not in liquid form. Any Alcohol that is 100 proof or has an BAC of more than 0.5. All narcotics and medications since we have cures they’re primitive medicine is unaware of.

          And we do allow our humans to take food into space that is not packaged because it will never spoil. If they wish to bring fresh food we allow it even though most of their food can be duplicated by our computers or be grown in a green house created for that use for humans.

          One doesn’t have to be barbaric with human cargo. We can comfortably carry 300,000 humans in very idyllic comfort.

          • U*/3 says:

            We agree and we would like to add to ensure that the females wear bras during exercise. On our motherships we require that humans spend a little more than two hours a day exercising for their first 180 days in space to enable their bodies to adjust to the conditions in other areas of a mothership when it is deemed they can enter those areas.

            A lot of that time is running on a treadmill is necessary to allow us to test their particular body’s stress levels. Even though there is no noticeable pull from gravity, there is still inertia. So while they are running on the treadmill, their rib cage is constantly changing its direction of motion and other more delicate parts are resisting those changes. That’s a lot of stress, so sports bras are a must during exercise.

          • M*/3 says:

            We agree and we would like to add that humans tend to no to be able to control their sexual desires. They should be informed in the first 180 days in their capsules they will be in freefall. During which their blood tends to pool in their torso and so it’s much harder to achieve an erection capable of penetration.

  2. Helen says:

    Did You Know?

    Despite the stereotype of body builders and boxers slugging back raw eggs to build muscle, it’s actually a very ineffective way to consume an egg. The body can only absorb around 50 percent of the protein in a raw egg compared to around 91 percent of the protein in a cooked egg (and with less risk of salmonella, to boot).

    • Helena says:

      Did You Know?

      Although over a century and a half has elapsed since settlers traversed the Oregon Trail across the United States, you can still find patches of wagon ruts and sunken trails. The tens of thousands of wagons that passed over the trail left some areas permanently worn down, compacted, and inhospitable to vegetation.

    • Alycedale says:

      Did You Know?

      Despite the stereotype of body builders and boxers slugging back raw eggs to build muscle, it’s actually a very ineffective way to consume an egg. The body can only absorb around 50 percent of the protein in a raw egg compared to around 91 percent of the protein in a cooked egg (and with less risk of salmonella, to boot).

    • Boris says:

      Did You Know?

      There is zero historical evidence that Vikings ever wore horned helmets; the first instance of horns on Viking helmets was actually in Richard Wagner’s 19th century opera Der Ring des Nibelungen.

    • Norman says:

      Did You Know?

      The prehistoric shark megalodon could bite down with up to 182,000 newtons of force—approximately ten times more force than the bite of a great white shark.

    • Chiara says:

      The RMS Titanic was one of three Olympic-class liners, sistered with the RMS Olympic and the RMS Britannic. Of the three, only the RMS Olympic had a long and safe service life, sailing for 24 years before retirement in 1935.

    • Lucy says:

      Did You Know?

      Dogs, despite the often repeated myth, do not see only in black and white. They are a dichromatic species and they perceive color like humans with red-green color blindness.

  3. Paul says:

    A traveling salesman stops at a roadside diner for dinner. Sitting at the counter he sees the special of the day is his favorite dish cold chili, so he orders it. I’m so sorry sir the waitress says, the gentleman sitting next to you got the last one. Ok, the salesman says, just a ham sandwich and coffee. While waiting for his order, the salesman notices the man next to him is not eating his chili. After watching for several minutes he finally asks, are you going to eat that chili? No, the man replies, so the salesman asks him mind if I eat it? Knock yourself out the man replies and slides the bowl over. Digging in with gusto the salesman gets about halfway through his chili when he finds a dead mouse, which causes him to immediately vomit everything back into the bowl. Shaking his head wistfully, the man says yup, that’s about as far as I got too!

    • Luis says:

      A blonde entered a breaststroke swimming competition across the English channel.

      After arriving several hours after the rest of the competition she said, “I don’t want to accuse anyone of cheating but those other women were using their arms!”

    • Mary says:

      A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room.

      She heard the train stop and her son said, “All of you sons of b*tches who want off, get the hell off now, ’cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of b*tches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, ’cause we’re going down the tracks.”

      The mother went nuts and told her son, “We don’t use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language.”

      Two hours later, the son comes out of the bedroom and resumes playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, “All passengers who are disembarking from the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for riding with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon.”

      She hears the little boy continue, “For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today.”

      As the mother began to smile, the child added, “For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO-HOUR delay, please see the b*tch in the kitchen.”

    • Fred says:

      A very distinguished lady was on a plane arriving from Switzerland.

      She found herself seated next to a nice priest whom she asked:

      “Excuse me, Father, could I ask a favor?”

      “Of course my child, What can I do for you?”

      “Here is the problem, I bought myself a new sophisticated hair remover gadget for which I paid an enormous sum of money. I have really gone over the declaration limits and I am worried that they will confiscate it at customs. Do you think you could hide it under your cassock?”

      “Of course, I could, my child, but you must realize that I can not lie.”

      “You have such an honest face Father, I am sure they will not ask you any questions”, and she gave him the ‘hair remover’.

      The aircraft arrived at its destination. When the priest presented himself to customs he was asked, “Father, do you have anything to declare?”

      “From the top of my head to my sash, I have nothing to declare, my son”, he replied.

      Finding this reply strange, the customs officer asked, “And from the sash down, what do you have?”

      The priest replied, “I have there a marvelous little instrument designed for use by women, but which has never been used.”

      Breaking out in laughter, the customs officer said,

      “Go ahead Father. Next!”

    • Jose says:

      A farmer goes out and buys a new, young rooster.

      As soon as he brings him home, the young rooster rushes and screws all 150 of the farmer’s hens.

      The farmer is impressed.

      At lunchtime, the young rooster again screws all 150 hens.

      The farmer is not just impressed anymore, he is worried.

      The next morning, not only is the rooster screwing the hens but he is screwing the turkeys, ducks even the cow.

      Later, the farmer looks out into the barnyard and finds the rooster stretched out, limp as a rag, his eyes closed, dead and vultures circling overhead.

      The farmer runs out, looks down at the young rooster’s limp body, and says:

      “You deserved it, you horny b*stard!”

      And the young rooster opens one eye, points up at the vultures with his wing, and says,

      “Shhhh! They are about to land!”

    • Michelle I. says:

      A father on his way home from work suddenly remembered it was his daughter’s birthday. So, he pulls into a shopping center, goes into a toy store and asks “Hi, how much do your Barbies dolls cost?”

      The clerk answers “Which one would you like? We have Workout Barbie for $19.95,

      Shopping Barbie for $19.95,

      Beach Barbie for $19.95,

      Disco Barbie for $19.95,

      Astronaut Barbie for $19.95,

      Veterinary Barbie for $19.95,

      and Divorced Barbie for $265.95.”

      The amazed Dad asks “What? Why is the divorced Barbie $265.95 when all the others are only $19.95?”

      The clerk rolls her eyes, sighs and answers: “Sir, divorced Barbie comes with Ken’s house, Ken’s truck, Ken’s fishing boat, Ken’s furniture, Ken’s dog, Ken’s computer, one of Ken’s friends and a key chain made from Ken’s testicles!”

    • Jack says:

      At the circus, the lion tamer strolls into the caged ring where there’s one huge lion. The brave tamer says to the audience, “Watch this.” He then walked up to the lion, opened its mouth and stuck his dick right in, then he slapped the lion on the head really hard and slowly removed his dick from the lion’s mouth. Well the audience was very impressed, much applause and shouts of delight. “Now then, if there’s anyone out in the audience who thinks they can do that, I’ll give them $500, any takers?” A young man stood up and said, “Yes I’ll give it a go.” The audience went wild.

      “Okay,” says the lion tamer, come into the cage with me. You’re very brave to give that a go, are you afraid?” And the young man said, “No not really, just as long as you don’t slap me as hard as you slapped that lion!”

    • Sam says:

      A 70-year-old married a 20-year-old.

      A year after the wedding the couple arrives at the delivery room.

      A male boy weighing 3.5 kg was born, healthy and beautiful.

      The nurse asks the old man “Yours?”

      “Yes,” the old man replies proudly.

      “Congratulations,” the nurse replies.

      “Well…” says the old man, “the old engine still runs!”

      Two years later the duo arrives at the delivery room again. A 3.5 kg girl was born, healthy and beautiful. The nurse asks the old man: “Yours?”.

      “Yes” the old man answers.

      “Well done” the nurse answers.

      “The engine still runs!” said the old man.

      After two more years, they come to the delivery room again. A 3.5-year-old male son is born, healthy and beautiful. The nurse asks the old man: “Yours?”.

      “Yes,” the old man replies.

      “Congratulations,” the nurse says, “that’s really impressive.”

      “Well…” says the old man, “the engine is STILL running!”

      “Well… says the nurse, “you may want to change the oil, the last one came out black.”

    • Marcos says:

      I was in Walmart using the restroom and just as I closed my stall door, a voice from the next stall said, “Hi! How are you?”

      Embarrassed… I said, “I’m all right!!”

      The voice said, “So what are you up to?”

      I said, “Ummm… Just trying to handle a little private business over here!”

      Then I hear, “Can I come over?”

      Annoyed… I said, “Excuse me?!?!.”

      Then the voice said,

      “Listen, I will have to call you back, there’s an idiot in the next stall answering all my questions!”

    • Henrietta says:

      A priest and a nun are caught in a blizzard.
      They find a deserted cabin and take shelter. They find a sleeping bag, a bed, and a pile of blankets. The priest, being a gentleman, offers the nun the bed and takes the sleeping bag for himself.

      As they get tucked in for the night the nun calls out, “Father, Father I’m cold!”

      So the priest gets up and puts another blanket on the nun. “Is that better Sister?” he asks. “Yes Father, much better,” she replies. So he gets back in his sleeping bag and starts to nod off when she again calls out with, “Father I’m still cold!”

      So once again the priest gets up and puts another blanket on her, ensuring she is tucked into the bed well. “Is that better Sister?” he asks.

      “Oh yes Father, that’s much better,” she says.

      So the priest gets himself back into the sleeping bag and this time is just starting to dream when he wakes up to her call of, “Father, Father I’m just so cold!”

      The priest thinks long about this and finally says, “Sister, we are in the middle of nowhere in a blizzard. No one but you, myself, and the lord himself will ever know what happens here this night. How about, just for this night, we act as though we were married?”

      The nun thinks on this for a minute, she can’t help but admit to herself she’s been curious, and finally answers with a tentative, “OK Father, just for tonight, we will act as though we are married.”

      So the Father replies,

      “Get up and get your own damned blanket ya cow!” and rolls over to fall asleep.

    • Brenda says:

      A sixteen-year-old boy came home with a new Chevrolet Avalanche and his parents began to yell and scream, “Where did you get that truck?!” He calmly told them, “I bought it today.”

      “With what money?” demanded his parents.

      They knew what a Chevrolet Avalanche cost at least $30,000.

      “Well,” said the boy, “this one cost me just fifteen dollars.”

      So the parents began to yell even louder.

      “Who would sell a truck like that for fifteen dollars?” they said.

      “It was the lady up the street,” said the boy. I don”t know her name – they just moved in. She saw me ride past on my bike and asked me if I wanted to buy a Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars.”

      “Oh my Goodness!,” moaned the mother, “she must be a child abuser. Who knows what she will do next? John, you go right up there and see what”s going on.”

      So the boy”s father walked up the street to the house where the lady lived and found her out in the yard calmly planting petunias!

      He introduced himself as the father of the boy to whom she had sold a new Chevrolet Avalanche for fifteen dollars and demanded to know why she did it.

      “Well,” she said, “this morning I got a phone call from my husband. “I thought he was on a business trip, but learned from a friend he had run off to Hawaii with his mistress and really doesn’t intend to come back.”

      “He claimed he was stranded and needed cash, and asked me to sell his new Chevrolet Avalanche and send him the money.

      So I did.”

  4. Robert says:

    Why You Shouldn’t Use Indoor Cameras

    There’s no such thing as a “hack-proof” camera. Every one of them could be broken into, and camera manufacturers have proven untrustworthy. The only “safe” move is not to install one.

    Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is often used as an analogy for the dystopian hell we seem to be sliding towards. One of the book’s creepier elements involved surveillance devices being installed in people’s homes. But if you’re jamming cameras in your own house, Orwell isn’t the only thing you have to worry about.

    Many people have added indoor cameras to their smart homes, either to enhance security or just keep an eye on their pets while they’re not home. If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you’ll have heard about vulnerabilities that indoor cameras have. Those issues are just the tip of the iceberg. Outdoor security cameras have their place, but it turns out that the indoor models are far more trouble than they’re worth.

    They’re Vulnerable to Hackers
    Most home camera systems allow users to access their feeds remotely. This is useful as it allows you to check on your home from anywhere with internet access. The downside is it means hackers who have access to your Smart home network can also view your cameras remotely. Smart home networks tend to center on something like a Google, Apple, or Amazon account — though the camera manufacturer may ask you to register with them too. It also serves as another reason why you should take account security seriously, so make sure your passwords are strong, and features like 2FA are enabled.

    In terms of consequences, a hacker accessing your indoor security cameras could have dire consequences. These range from grabbing footage of you making a 3 am trip to the bathroom sans pants, to gathering detailed information about your habits and schedules. A potential burglar could theoretically work out when you leave the house, how long you tend to be gone for, and double check you’ve actually left before breaking in. All in all, indoor cameras are a pretty bad idea.

    There’s a Trust Issue With Big Tech
    This is a twofold problem, and it led to ReviewGeek removing both Wyze and eufy’s cameras from its list of recommended products. In 2019, Wyze was informed about a vulnerability that could allow people other than the user to gain access to the videos that are stored on the camera’s Micro SD card. Instead of informing its customers about the vulnerability, the company just recommended they upgrade their camera systems. The situation with eufy is arguably worse. The company claimed its products were encrypted and didn’t link to The Cloud. According to eufy, feeds and data could only be accessed locally through the service’s app or its web interface, and eufy’s own servers never come into contact with the data.

    Sadly, that last part isn’t true as users who opt into the doorbell alert’s thumbnail previews will have screenshots of their porch uploaded to the cloud and Amazon Web Services without any encryption. Hackers can also access the camera feed provided they can get hold of your camera’s serial number, a UNIX timestamp, and brute force a Hex Key. The Verge has managed to demonstrate this a few times, but despite the evidence, eufy is still denying it is possible.

    Then, on top of everything else, there is the enormous amount of information tech companies already have about you and your personal life. You need to ask yourself if you’re really comfortable potentially adding 24/7 footage of the inside of your home and whatever it is you get up to in there to that long list. If a hacker can get into your cameras, there’s a good chance the company that made them could.

    Traditional Security Systems May Be More Efficient
    If you’re using indoor cameras for security purposes, you may be spending more for an inefficient system. With some setups, the motion will trigger the camera, which starts recording and pushes an alert to your device. You can then open the app on your phone and check out what’s going on before deciding if you need to call the police or whatever it is you usually do with home invasions. This is terribly inefficient compared to older systems.

    Firstly, you need to have access and be paying attention to, the smartphone you have hooked up to your home security network. As anyone who has slept through or otherwise not noticed a text or email knows, it’s not something you can do 24/7. Even if you spot an alert, the intruder may have moved on by the time you view a camera, and even if you do spot them — calling the police is then an extra step.

    Traditional alarm systems spot an intruder, blast a loud noise which may be enough to scare the intruder off, and automatically alert the authorities if they’re not de-activated within a certain time period. Yes, they’re not perfect and can be disabled if thieves know what they’re doing. But smart home-based security systems can usually be taken out or severely hampered by disabling the WiFi.

    While the recent issues have mainly affected Wyze and eufy, no camera is immune to hackers. Security will always improve, but as history has shown, hackers are never far behind.

    The only way to make sure an indoor camera isn’t hacked and a bad actor isn’t watching your day-to-day life is to simply not have one. With indoor cameras, the risk involved, no matter how small, just isn’t worth the benefits.

  5. Ginny says:

    A major genetic analysis by Northwestern University in Illinois looked at the DNA of people, rodents and fish. It found the length of DNA was directly linked to their biological age. Shorter genes means a shorter life span.

    If food can change a persons dna what food might affect the length of genes?

  6. Terri says:

    If your kids had to practice active shooter drills in school, thank a Republican

  7. Fu says:

    It’s not that. Republicans are (1) early voting (2) mail voting. They are just fewer than democrats. Conservativetisim is a dying political ideology. With each generation there are fewer and fewer conservatives coming into the mainstream because young people are increasingly becoming more and more tolerant and liberal than their parents. All republicans could early vote or mail in vote, they will still be outnumbered by democrats simply because in the USA there are more liberals than conservatives. A simple example is the popular vote, even in a loosing election, a loosing democratic presidential candidate will have millions more votes than the winning GOP candidate. Why? Gerrymandering and the electoral college. Those are the tools that will put a GOP candidate in the White House with less popular votes. If the USA did one man one vote, the GOP would never ever put a president in the White House ever again because there are just more democrat voters compared to conservative voters. It’s a game of numbers. Conservatives don’t have the numbers any more. That’s just the way of the USA. It used to be a centre-right country. That has shifted significantly. It’s now a center-left county.

  8. Andy says:

    I was once asked this question. Why are leftists so distraught about Tucker Carlson? Is it because he speaks facts and they don’t like it?

    My Answer:
    Actually, FoxNews, the cable entertainment company that employs Tucker Carlson, has gone into court, more than once, and said “No one should believe Tucker Carlson”.

    Dude, that’s harsh.

    Imagine you run a company and had a great salesman, but at the end of every sale (just as the sales contract is being signed), the company tells the customer “Don’t believe a word Bob says, he lies to make sales all the time”.

    Those Left of Center don’t really care what he says except when we have to listen to someone who trowels out his lies to us and we have to say that FoxNews has admitted Tucker Carlson lies all the time.

    I have personally won beer bets over this. The look of your average deluded right winger is awesome when you show them the actual admission, on the record in court, by FoxNews that Tucker Carlson lies and no reasonable person should believe him.

    Distraught? Just drinking beers on his viewer’s tab and loving it.

  9. Gwen says:

    Mayor London Breed was thrust into the spotlight in December 2017 following the sudden passing of then-Mayor Ed Lee.

    She is the city’s first Black female mayor.
    Her mayorship has centered on public safety, homelessness and housing. During the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Breed was lauded for her early and aggressive efforts to contain the virus’ spread in San Francisco.
    Biggest move of 2022: She batted 83% in the successful elections of her 2022 appointees, including District Attorney Brooke Jenkins and two school board members.

    Her outsized influence on this year’s midterms helped cement San Francisco as a still-liberal city that skews more moderate.
    What we’re watching: We’re curious to see if theories about Breed wanting to run for a seat in the U.S. Senate or Congress in 2024 hold any water.

  10. Macy says:

    The stonks are too damn high. One good thing that could happen for America over the coming weeks would be for the stock market to embark upon another significant decline.

    Why it matters: A buoyant stock market is constraining the Fed and, ultimately, hurting the country. There’s a financial media convention that higher = better, when it comes to the stock market — but that’s not always the case.

    The big picture: The Fed’s big problem is that the economy continues to run too hot, driving inflation well above its 2% target. The current spending spree is fueled at least in part by investors’ animal spirits — after all, they’ve fared pretty well over the past couple of years.

    By the numbers: The S&P 500’s pre-pandemic record high of 3,387 was hit on February 19, 2020. We’re now a comfortable 16% above that level, even after accounting for plunges in the likes of Facebook and Tesla.

    Even meme stocks continue to defy gravity: GameStop, for instance, which was trading at $1 per share pre-pandemic, is now at $22.
    Dogecoin has risen from 0.2 cents to 9.7 cents.
    How it works: A stock market fall would help create the tighter financial conditions that the Fed is attempting to engineer. At the margin, it might even make that final half-point rate hike that much less likely.

    Lower stocks would help out those of us who are still saving for retirement, and want to build up our portfolios as cheaply as possible. The best returns come to those who buy low and sell high, which requires stocks to be cheap when they’re bought.
    Between the lines: A falling stock market does make investors feel bad — especially the relatively affluent Americans who are fortunate enough to boast sizable brokerage accounts. They’re the seemingly unstoppable consumers who show no sign of getting the message that the economy might be headed into recession.

    If they prefer to funnel their income into newly-attractive cheap stocks rather than spending it on consumer goods, that would help to constrain inflation. They will also have a reduced “wealth effect” from the market.
    For hourly workers or anybody living paycheck-to-paycheck, stock-market wealth is generally a hypothetical irrelevance. Falling stocks would do little if any harm to the precariat — and might even help to reduce inequality.

    And because unemployment is so low and laid-off workers are finding it easy to get a new job, few people will find themselves in the forced-sale situation of having to dip into their stock-market savings in order to make up for lost income.
    The bottom line: Another correction in the stock market would be salutary in the short term, while being very unlikely to have any real effect on its long-term performance.

  11. Alycedale says:

    COVID, Flu Or RSV? Here’s How To Tell The Difference.

  12. Nader says:

    Any one know why all the ancient statue have broken noses ?

  13. Heidi says:

    This is a very good read.

    For the first time ever, SIS officers reveal why women often make the best spies for our times


  14. James says:

    Why Rebooting Your Router Fixes So Many Problems (and Why You Have to Wait 10 Seconds)


  15. Jabari says:

    The Ethiopian government has been trying to defeat Tigray forces for years, using every tool of war to decimate them. What does justice and reconciliation look like? How does Tigray economically recover? How can Ethiopia rejoin the rest of the world?

    Ethiopia is home to the headquarters of the African Union. It is the only country on the African continent that was never colonized. Before the war, Ethiopia held a huge significance for Africans. It’s still significant, but for an entirely different reason.

  16. June says:

    As a white person, over the years I’ve had family, coworkers and acquaintances just start talking racist crap, like they think I think the same. It’s infuriating, and sad.

  17. Bennu says:

    Until the Rosetta Stone was discovered in 1799, historians had no way of reading Egyptian hieroglyphs, so they simply assumed that Egyptian writings would have mentioned the Israelites living in Egypt. Not only did they play important roles in Egyptian history, the Israelites would have drawn attention to themselves by living decades longer than any Egyptians ever did.

    Having translated the Rosetta Stone, Egyptologists set about finding Egyptian references to Joseph, the Israelite slaves or Moses. We have copious documents from Egypt in the Late Bronze Age, including such trivia as commercial documents, but nothing that mentions them at all. Historians now realise the Israelite captivity did not really happen—the captivity and the biblical Exodus from Egypt were part of an Israelite national foundation myth. Even Joseph never really existed.

  18. Nick says:

    As someone who (mostly) eats vegan, I miss sushi … a lot!

    Thankfully, we have Shizen — a Japanese restaurant in the Mission that’s been serving vegan sushi, ramen dishes and more since 2015.
    Driving the news: Last week, my wife and I went for the first time, and it was awesome.

    Details: We ordered avocado, sweet tofu and eggplant nigiri, along with a spicy “tofuna” roll (which tasted like real spicy tuna), and a few other specialty rolls.

    One, the Surprise Ending roll, included a piece that was extra spicy and a shot of sake for the lucky person who downed it.
    That lucky person was me, of course, and the heat was indeed intense.
    The verdict: Shizen definitely scratched my sushi itch, and I hope to be back soon.

    The flavors were unique and the presentation was beautiful.
    As my editor eloquently put it: “We’re well beyond the cucumber roll now.”
    Of note: Shizen is quite popular, so if you want to check out what vegan sushi is like, secure a reservation at least a week in advance.

    Also, if you’re in the East Bay, the team behind Shizen opened a new vegan izakaya restaurant in Berkeley earlier this year called Tane.

  19. Anonymous says:

    “When I was a practicing Catholic, not lapsed as I am now, I used to think about where the human soul lies — it lies in the freedom of choice. The choice is to be human,” Guillermo del Toro.

    • Nicky says:

      That must have some context to it that I missed. Humans tend to be terrible at their best, and absolutely deadly at their worst. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about their relationship with each other, the environment or fellow creatures living on the planet,

  20. Bee says:

    from the Chron today

    Why ‘Star Trek’ made San Francisco the center of the universe


  21. Michelle says:

    I’m sorry to hear you got Covid. I hope you’re feeling better. Virtual 🤗

  22. Jane says:

    My father and mother were great parents. My father died of a massive heart attack when I was nine. My mother out lived him by many years. It was only after her death that I found that my father had two graves in different parts of the same cemetery…well at least his name was on 2 of them. A lot of investigation later I found out my mother and father were not married…

    Because my father was married to my mothers’ sister…..ALL TRUE !! Incredible liars !!! My sister also may not even be my sister because allegedly, according to the son of my mothers’ also deceased sister, my mother was a prostitute with a ‘deed poll’ name.

    Needless to say nearly four years after her death the will and estate is such a mess it can’t be closed.

    Parents ??? Really !!!

  23. Elaxi says:

    one of the most ruthless executions in history was invented and implemented in the 16th century by the British.

    It was known as “Gun blowing”.

    The victim, was tied to the end of a cannon, the lower part of the back, was just leaning against the lip. But of course, they did not load the cannon immediately, they left the victim tied up for hours, or in some cases even days, to the point where they began to beg for their death.

    When the weapon was finally fired, according to records, the head was raised in the air about 15 meters, the arms were flying to the right and left, very high in the air. The remains could be found at least, a hundred meters away; the legs (which were just below the barrel) fell to the ground under the muzzle of the weapon; and the body literally exploded almost entirely.

    But of course, sadism went even further, the destruction of the body and the dispersal of the remains, had a particular religious function as a means of execution in the Indian subcontinent, since it effectively prevented the necessary funeral rites of the Hindus, main victims of this kind of torture.

    One of the most horrible executions in history.

  24. Robert says:

    If you are receiving unsolicited authorization codes via text or email, experts say chances are scammers already have your username and password for that particular account and are now phishing for an authorization code to gain access to the website. They recommend immediately changing the password for that account by typing the website address directly into your web browser’s address bar.

  25. Ted says:

    Sugary fruits like bananas have come under fire in recent years as studies have shown that they can be bad for you in the long term. While a banana a day can help you get your recommended daily intake of vitamins and minerals, the sugar content in bananas can contribute to weight gain and other health problems over time.

    So are sugary fruits like bananas actually bad for you in the long term?

    The answer is not clear. While there are some risks associated with eating sugary fruits, there are also some health benefits. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide whether the risks are worth the rewards.

  26. Njema says:

    2-year-old rescued after being swallowed by hippo
    8:08 AM EST December 16, 2022
    A hippo has attacked a 2-year-old boy in Uganda, swallowing half of his body before spitting him out, a statement from the Uganda Police Force said on Friday.
    The child was attacked on December 4 at around 3 p.m. local time (7 a.m. ET) in the Katwe-Kabatoro district, in the southwest of the country, according to the statement.
    The boy, named by Ugandan police as Iga Paul, had been playing at his home in Rwenjubu cell, Lake Katwe.
    “It took the bravery of a one Chrispas Bagonza, who was nearby, to save the victim after he stoned the hippo and scared it, causing it to release the victim from its mouth,” a spokesperson for Uganda Police Force said in the statement.
    The boy was taken to a nearby clinic for injuries on one hand and later transferred to Bwera Hospital, west Uganda, for further treatment, the statement added.
    The child has now been discharged after making a full recovery, police said. He also received a vaccine for rabies, before being handed back to his parents by the police.
    “Although the hippo was scared back into the lake, all residents near animal sanctuaries and habitats should know that wild animals are very dangerous,” the statement said.
    “Instinctually, wild animals see humans as a threat and any interaction can cause them to act strangely or aggressively.”
    Known as one of the most dangerous animals on the planet, hippos can snap a canoe in half with their strong jaws, according to National Geographic.

  27. Believer of the one true God Allah says:

    Merry Christmas you fucking heritics.

  28. Shamas says:

    This is what I said about Fox News when your president was Trump. A year later the only thing that is different about Fox News is they no longer have the ear of the president.
    Heh, A British person speaking here.

    Until almost a year ago, Fox news was freely available here in the UK. I frequently switched over to Fox between watching at least 4 other British news channels. I was often asked by my son why I was watching a channel like Fox. My reply was to discover how other people thought.

    In my opinion it is a shamelessly closed minded, propaganda channel that is only tangentially related to news. I have no respect for any of its pundits masquerading as journalists. On many occasions it gets its basic facts wrong. It can say whatever shit it wants about the US (- that’s an American problem-) but people in the UK and the rest of Europe get angry and tired at the downright lies Fox broadcasts about us. The conspiracy theories that Fox spins are dangerous and its double standards in how it treats similar problems in Democratic government compared to Republican government is revealing. And since Fox has the ear of the President, the channel is even more dangerous. People unqualified in government/governing are advising a President who has no experience or understanding of the roles and responsibilities of government. I will go further and say that Fox does not have just the ear of the President, it is leading the Idiot-in-Chief by the nose.

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