
Yesterday was PRIDE in SF. Dolores Park looked packed as usual. I saw lots of colorful photos of friends and everyone was having a great time. TG no mass drama, except for the gay laser.

How did this look from space, ya’all?

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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5 Responses to pride

  1. Helen says:

    Did You Know?

    Majel Barrett-Roddenberry, who played Nurse Christine Chapel on Star Trek: TOS and Lwaxana Troi on Star Trek: TNG and Star Trek: DS9, was the wife of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry.

    • Helena says:

      Did You Know?

      Although the iconic doll is almost exclusively referred to by her first name, Barbie’s full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.

  2. Michelle says:

    PrP, the photo from this POV is amazing. I didn’t attend this year but delighted to hear you and everyone enjoyed the celebration! xx

  3. Anonymous says:

    I would be curious to hear more about this and the alien species that has been here on Earth for millennia that are part of this history. I know there is a running human joke that “it tastes like chicken” when we tend to describe meats of sorts. What more might transpire from this “discovery” in the next handful of months?

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