1 + 1 + 1 ≠ 1 +1 = 2

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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58 Responses to 1 + 1 + 1 ≠ 1 +1 = 2

  1. L9[ says:

    Doug says:
    11/06/2023 at 6:45 pm

    PrP has made if difficult for us to complete our answer to you. The column refused the comment from G]4 and we do not have access to the string. “Tzarme” has not been in this solar system for some time. We will try to recover G]4’s comment.

  2. K]1 says:

    China has fooled Russia into believing that they intend to support Russia if it goes to war with the US. What it is actually doing is checking how effective the US’s weaponry is in the battlefield. They are particular impressed by the Ukraine’s use of HIMARs supplied by the US.

  3. G]4 says:

    Doug –
    Recovered G]4 transcript –

    We are presently experiencing difficulties due to the solar flares from Earth’s sun. We are not aware of your connection to “Tzarme.” He has not been in this solar system for some time, and we have no access to his logs. The Dream Realm is a means of communication used when parties are separated by solar systems, if you are referring to that, we may be able to facilitate a meeting with someone else.

    By “ready” do you mean that you have an agreement with one of us to be ferried up should there be a Nuclear situation requiring the evacuation of some earthlings? If so your contact must acknowledge same.

    • Doug says:

      By “ready”, YES, I do have an agreement that has been discussed for nearly 30 years.

    • Doug says:

      YES, I do have an agreement that has been discussed for nearly 30 years.

    • Doug says:

      I am referring to that. It would be very nice if you could facilitate a meeting with someone else. I would appreciate that.

  4. Steve says:

    LOL, loved this. PrP you are the best!

  5. Janet says:

    PrP according to male logic we aren’t supposed to think about the bullshit they make up when they are using religion to fuck us over. When males aren’t practicing pedophilia, pimping, or rape, they are practicing a little “down under.” Makes sense since they love themselves so much and are basically misogynists.

    Or maybe the Catholic Church just left out the part about their female children. It seems a common practice by the catholic authors of the Bible. After all it was Mary, his wife, https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2012/09/18/161373838/did-jesus-have-a-wife-newly-discovered-ancient-text-reignites-debate who came up with the story that Jesus rose from the dead, Peter and the rest of the 12 were hiding out like the cowards they were. But did they give her credit no. Not even for being his wife.

    The result of declaring priests couldn’t be married is a bunch of pedophiles and rapists as priests.

  6. Jeff says:

    Research into the intersection of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. The former identifies gravity with the shape of space and time. The latter determines the behavior of the nanoworld — i.e., atoms and their constituents. Black holes are a crossing point for these two great theories because they’re places where gravity is so strong that space and time become distorted on quantum scales.

    Black holes form when so much matter accumulates in one location that no force can stop its contraction via gravity. Imagine a star that has used up its nuclear fuel and no longer produces energy to support itself against its own weight (the own “shining” thing is a just a consequence of this battle). As the fuel runs out, gravity squeezes the star down to ever smaller sizes. At some point the dead star is so small and dense that light emitted from its surface cannot escape gravity’s pull. In the language of Einstein, the curvature of surrounding space-time is too extreme for light to escape. That’s when a horizon forms around the black hole. This “event horizon” marks the point of no return. Observers outside the horizon can never get any information about what’s inside the horizon (that’s why it’s called a horizon).

    • K]7 says:

      Real space travel, not traveling to the moon or Mars, but sailing through the Solar Systems of a Galaxy would reveal what happens to black holes. It is the principle of the GODS – randomness becomes orderliness becomes randomness.

      The forming of a Black Hole representing the Orderliness of things in the GODS world, or our Known Universe and the eventual exit of all those things including light that got pulled into the BlackHole. Only to eventually exit on the other end and become the Randomness that forms the Unknown Universe which we travelers of Space encounter, discover and map to make it part of our Known Universe.

      • Y*/` says:

        And the reason you left out the relativity of time to the traveler? Is it because your science is still discovering the relationship between lineal and oval time. Or is it the military use of folding time vs the commercial use of it to aid all of us in reaching more of the Known Universe without conflict.

        Most of us would like to be free of forming alliances with great military powers to avoid being absorbed by the prevalent super power.

        • H]6 says:

          From this comes the rumor of the next great Commander, one who is both logical and emotional. It is said that Her logic will be tempered by Her emotional state. Or was that Her emotional being will bring tempered logic to Her ability to Reason and act Accordingly.

          Is there actually such a being? And Will She arrive in time to bring true functionality to the GODS’ “order becoming random, becoming order state of our existence? Or will it be just another imaginative part of the GODS’ desire to entertain Themselves?

        • K]7 says:

          Time is subject to the period in which it is being used. We still use moment as a verifiable time period. For us a moment is equivalent to 90 earth seconds, or 9 elliptical ticks. Although moment was used during the Medieval era and was derived from the solar hour (the hour on the sundial’s face was divided into 40 “moments”), it is no longer relevant as a means of time measurement. So too is the relativity to the time traveler since the being could be using different technological means of time travel over the same distance.

      • U]6 says:

        While it is true that we “Space Travelers” have discovered that everything that is absorbed into a Black Hole eventually emerges on the other side of it, it is also true that this discovery hasn’t equipped us with any special knowledge about the true state of the Universe. Our traveling science pavilion has been in space for half a million earth years and we have yet to understand the true “why’s” of the Universe. The more we learn the less we discover we know. Either the GODS will not trust is with the true secrets of the Universe, or there are none, or They just make shit up as we go. They make each new technology that we master appear to be the answer to all our woes and expectations, wait, then there is another discovery with even more promise. Why should we even believe in the GODS? They don’t care. But for the planet of miracles they created to show off their talent, we would still be believing that the rung on the latter of technological advancement determines who can appear as gods. We, too, asked the Immortal what it was like to live so long?

        His response was that having lived as a rock, gas, liquid, and beings with relationships on various planets, he discovered that since he was sentient during all those forms, the ones that required that he interact with other entities were the most challenging. It was from those experiences that he learned the emotion sadness, and loneliness. Knowing that those relationships would eventually leave him lonely when they died. He learned that forgetfulness would lessen the sadness of memory and loneliness .

        • tiny violins says:

          Interesting. So He remembers that He chooses to be forgetful? Please tell that Immortal when you speak with Him next, or anyone else who might, that this Immortal is over treading water waiting for Him to Wake-The-Fuck-Up. You tell Him this Immortal said it’s time to get over the pity party. How boring that He chooses to wallow. Remind him that all those relationships were fun and fulfilling while they lasted. Recall the human, Alfred Tennyson, who wrote, “’Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

          • Michelle says:

            I find it interesting that you are an immortal too. I’m not referring to me☺️ , but the immortal that has been the topic on this blog for awhile now. Now we have Immortal #2. 😁What took you so long to chime in? I’d love to hear more about you. Care to share what your forever life is like? Have you always known you were immortal or did you discover this? Thank you.

            • tiny violins & an orchestra says:

              #2, LOL. Flattering. I am only one of the many lesser immortals running around. The Immortal #1 is older than all of Us. I didn’t have a reason to chime in earlier. But since I saw the writing that He has sometimes woken up and talked about his choosing to forget, it is my time. I miss Him. I want Him to remember, and to remember that I said I would be waiting to serve Him when He Awoke.

            • Eloise says:

              The only thing this wannabe can share is his/her desire for attention. If you are the Michelle who had her own blog, you would recognize the “Georges” of the world. They always want to come off tough when they are the first to whine when life challenges them.

            • Sonia says:

              I hope you wrote this tongue-in-cheek. You can’t possibly be taking this lying sack of shit seriously.

          • U]6 says:

            You are no immortal. The truth is in your choice of words.

            • Aadhavi says:

              LOL, you definitely tagged this “wannabe.” I think he/she has seen one too many vampire movies.

            • Tiny violins and & orchestra of critics says:

              I live I die I live again I never die. Ive lived and died manyhuman lives. Ive lived and died on other worlds. What is immortality? For the life span of a dragonfly a sea turtles life might appear immortal. Ive done this wait Before.

          • Henri says:

            Dude, who says it is “better to have loved and lost…. Using that as a truism dates your stupid ass to the 20th century. Get a life, liar.

          • Nikolai says:

            What makes you think that He chooses to forget because it makes him sad? That is the logic of a human, so that is a tell. Trying to make the rest of us think that you are an immortal is a desperate attempt for attention, another human trait.

            Busted asshole.

          • Goose says:

            For your information, I’d prefer to have never loved than to have loved the money grubbing bitch who left me after 6 years of marriage to father a child by my rich father.

            Try living in the real world for a change idiot.

            • Wendy says:

              Maybe, just maybe he had a bigger dick and it wasn’t about the money.

            • Steve says:

              Dude, yours is not the only sad story. I let my older brother fuck my wife in the ass. We had to get her high the first time. But she learned to like it.

              She used to tell me that he would come over and just take her ass. I confronted my brother and he played a few tapes and the bitch was all into getting her ass blasted.

              When I confronted her with it she filed for divorce. She got the house, custody of our 4 children ages 2 to 8 and $31,000/m for their care. I never got to fuck the bitch in the ass. She said that my dick was too big, yet, she let my older brother fuck her in it regularly.

              Women, you just can’t trust them. I should have been a raghead nigger, then I could have killed the bitch with impunity.

          • Jacqueline says:

            Stake me darling before I die laughing at your bullshit.

          • Michelle - 3 says:

            The obvious question arises when you claim to be waiting for him to wake the fuck up, what is your “pity party” about. Get the fuck on with YOUR life.
            May I remind you that maybe, just maybe “ that all those relationships were fun and fulfilling while they lasted,” weren’t fun.

          • Eric says:

            Yeah, how boring. Who do you think you are fooling?

  7. T[8 says:

    I once asked the Immortal what he had learned from his lifetimes. He smiled and said, “Nothing.” I have lived more that 41,000 years. I have learned a lot. But in comparison to one who has lived billions, does that mean that the longer one lives the more knowledge becomes unimportant?

    • Doug says:

      Although, I have not lived near to 41,000 years, it is my position that, to measure learning or to quantify learning is a zero sum game. You have learned a lot in 41,000 years, just as I have learned a lot in 60, however, based on the Universe expansion in comparison to the GODS always finding more to play with based on their position, learning is an infinite venture. I think the answer to your question to the Immortal by the Immortal is profound in the understanding that learning is constant, if we allow ourselves that. The importance lies in us all allowing ourselves to learn and not be stifled by ego, prejudice to change, or the like. Knowledge is important. Period.

      • Kate says:

        Perhaps if you have lived for billions of years, the one truth is that there is none if the GODS uses knowledge as a prop for Their entertainment.

        • Lauri says:

          So true. Once we thought we knew all the parts of the atom. Now every decade we discover a new part. Once we thought we knew what was out in space. Now we are constantly learning that what we thought was true is not.

          The more we think we know, the more we learn that either that was not correct or that there is more to know about what we thought was all we needed to know about that subject.

          Aah, the GODS are being entertained, royally. Perhaps at our expense, or looking at it from their point of view — why allow us to exist if we are poor entertainers?

          Me, I’m happy to entertain the GODS, because I like existing, even if it is just for Their entertainment, or because They need to be entertained.

      • Momchil says:

        Who but the immortal would know what it is like to have witnessed all that he has? I’m sure that he has forgotten more that any other entities will learn in their lifetimes, combined.

    • [9 says:

      I am in my 28,000 years. Most of what I learned in the first 1,000 has proven to be in error. The rest I have either forgotten or lost the ability to care about them.

      I am not aware of any of my purely logical friends even mentioning anything that occurred more than 1100 years ago.

  8. I]8 says:

    No logical beings with our degree of knowledge suggest that the GODS care about what we think or do. We are but a part of their imaginations, for Their entertainment. Neither can we object for if they decide to go back to sleep we would cease to exist. Not that we would know that it happened.

  9. Hamza says:

    Hezbollah is a Shia Muslim organisation which is politically influential and in control of the most powerful armed force in Lebanon.
    It was established in the early 1980s by the region’s most dominant Shia power, Iran, to oppose Israel. At the time, Israel’s forces had occupied southern Lebanon, during the country’s civil war.
    Hezbollah has participated in national elections since 1992 and has become a major political presence.
    Its armed wing has carried out deadly attacks on Israeli and US forces in Lebanon. When Israel withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, Hezbollah took credit for pushing them out.
    Map of Israel and Lebanon
    Since then, Hezbollah has maintained thousands of fighters and a huge missile arsenal in southern Lebanon. It continues to oppose Israel’s presence in disputed border areas.
    It is designated a terrorist organisation by Western states, Israel, Gulf Arab countries and the Arab League.
    In 2006, a full-blown war broke out between Hezbollah and Israel, triggered when Hezbollah carried out a deadly cross-border raid.
    Israeli troops invaded southern Lebanon to try to eliminate the threat from Hezbollah. However, it survived and has since increased its number of fighters and obtained new and better weapons.

  10. صَدَّام says:

    Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is a Shia cleric who has led Hezbollah since 1992.
    He played a key role in turning it into a political, as a well as a military, force.
    He has close links with Iran and its Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
    These date from 1981, when Iran’s first Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, appointed him his personal representative in Lebanon.
    Nasrallah has not appeared in public for years, purportedly for fear of being assassinated by Israel.
    However, he remains revered by Hezbollah, and delivers televised speeches every week. May Allah continue to bless him.

    • GH says:

      Blah, blah, the US intends to bomb the fuck out of eastern Syria if those cowards fire anymore rockets at US targets in Syria

    • Danielle says:

      Please learn Japan, dumping your nuclear waste in the ocean poisons the entire planet from the defenseless creatures who occupy the sea to the rest of us who feed from those oceans. Before you start lecturing us Americans get your own shit in order. Shut down your nuclear power plants before they bomb you worst than we did during WWII.

      What a know-nothing-pompous ass.

    • Chidori says:

      Japanese men with their tiny dicks are basically pedophiles. The men have made 13 the minimum age of sexual consent. Please learn Japan that a female is not mentally mature enough to give sexual consent at that age. Put your tiny dick back in your pants and shut the fuck up about what is so nice in Japan.

      Japanese women are practically sex slaves in Japan. Japanese girls are barely out of the 8th grade before old disgusting men are pursuing them for sex.

    • Roberta says:

      What is the Japan Age of Consent?

      The Age of Consent in Japan is 13 years old. The age of consent is the minimum age at which an individual is considered legally old enough to consent to participation in sexual activity. Individuals aged 12 or younger in Japan are not legally able to consent to sexual activity, and such activity may result in prosecution for statutory rape or the equivalent local law.

      Japan statutory rape law is violated when an individual has consensual sexual contact with a person under age 13. At 13, Japan’s base age of consent is the lowest of any developed country. However, many prefectures also have local “corruption of minors” or “obscenity statutes” (淫行条例) which raise the de-facto age of consent to 16-18, unless they are in a “sincere romantic relationship”, usually determined by parental consent. For example, the effective age of consent in Tokyo by local statute is 18. The age of marriage is 16 for girls and 18 for boys with parental permission, and 20 otherwise (as stated in ” ナス邃「窶慊カ窶「ナクナスニ停?邸”, the Child Welfare Act of Japan.

      Fix that you fucking pedophile before you start bragging about your country.

  11. Helen says:

    Did You Know

    Dextrose is another name for glucose. So if you see it listed prominently on the ingredients list of a particular food, then you’ll know where the sugary sweet taste is coming from.

  12. Bobby says:

    Most men who are anti gay are afraid that if someone takes their ass in an alley, they will become gay. Wonder why that is? Those are the same men who believe that you can be talked into being gay. Wonder why that is?

    Could it be that they are not sure of their own true desires? Maybe they marry women because they are afraid to admit that they like male ass, or better yet, the feel of a strong, hard dick up theirs.

  13. Claire says:

    Just to change the subject a bit. I am beautiful and have gorgeous legs.Occasionally when I am sitting in a very short skirt, I open my legs to either offend or entice. I get criticized for doing by my so called friends. It’s not my fault that men lose their senses when viewing a bit of panty.

    • Nader says:

      I don’t believe you, can I see some panty and we’ll see if I will go crazy 😜

  14. Abanoub says:

    Gaza Strip, Arabic Qiṭāʿ Ghazzah Hebrew Reẓuʿat ʿAzza, Territory, southeastern Mediterranean Sea coast. Area: 141 sq mi (365 sq km). Population: (2023 est.) 2,229,000.
    The region lies northeast of the Sinai Peninsula and is also the location of the city of Gaza, which has been a prosperous trading centre for much of its history and was first mentioned in the 15th century BCE. Often besieged by invaders, including Israelites, Assyrians, Babylonians, and Persians, it declined in importance after the Crusades. It was ruled by the Ottoman Empire from the 16th century.

    After World War I (1914–18) the city and the strip became part of the British mandate of Palestine. Following the first Arab-Israeli war (1948–49), the territory was occupied by Egypt, and the city became that country’s headquarters in Palestine. The occupied area was later reduced to an area 25 mi (40 km) long, which became known as the Gaza Strip, still under Egyptian control.

    In the Six-Day War (1967) it was captured by Israel. The area’s chief economic problem was the extreme poverty of the large number of Palestinian Arab refugees living there. In 1987, rioting among Gaza’s Palestinians marked the beginning of the first intifāḍah. Continued unrest led in 1993 to an agreement between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization granting limited self-rule to the Palestinian population of the Gaza Strip and West Bank.
    A breakdown in further negotiations in 2000 led to another outbreak of violence. In an attempt to stem the fighting, Israel withdrew all its soldiers and settlers from the Gaza Strip in 2005, and control of the territory was transferred to the Palestinians.

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