username numbers are back

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Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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53 Responses to username numbers are back

  1. Boo]*3 says:


  2. LEi says:

    U*/ were given permission to monitor the US with caveats Not to engage US combat fighter jets. Your recent statement that the destruction of a F-15EX that you claim was too close to one of your Hovercrafts is un acceptable. Our data shows that you had several options to avoid a deadly encounter.
    Those options were: 1. Your hovercraft has a top speed of 3,025 mph. The F has 1,650 mph, hence you could have outrun it. 2. It’s combat range is about 690 nautical miles, your H has a 6 million nautical mile range, hence you could have out distanced it. 3. It’s service ceiling is 65,ooo feet, your H is unlimited in earth atmosphere, hence you could have out climbed it. 4. F’s rate of climb is 50,000 feet per minute. Your H is 200,350 feet per minute, hence you could have reached the F’s limit in seconds. 5. The F’s airframe has a +9G, your H’s tug capacity of 23G would tear it apart, as it did.
    Your permission to operate in the US proper and its territories is hereby revoked immediately.

    • E*/1` says:

      In U*/‘s defense (No attempt is being made to suggest that we are advocating non compliance with your ruling) our radar barely picked up the presence of a US B-21 Raider that foreshadowed that F-15EX. We think that the humans were testing our ability to detect its presence with an aircraft designed to avoid radar detection. The F-15EX was along to protect it from U*/. Granted humans have no way to defend themselves should we become hostile, but in this instance the F-15EX became aggressive. It followed the Hovercraft to earth and attempted to use its ground-pounding arsenal to incapacitate the Hovercraft. The Hovercraft climbed and snatched the aggressor into its medical bay. The fact that it broke up before it could be captured unharmed is as the humans say a result of “the fog of war,” or collateral damage.”

      There was only a pilot involved since the gunner seat was empty. Why exact such a severe punishment for the loss of one human life? We eat thousands on any given day. They are basically savages with a high meat value.

      • M]1 says:

        You represent less than 3% of the visitors to this Solar System. That means at least 97% of us are not here to farm this planet. It also means that more of us don’t believe that humans “ are basically savages with a high meat value.”

        Nader made a point that you evidently missed.

  3. T]9 says:

    Nader says:
    01/04/2024 at 8:34 am
    I don’t think we are that different from you Aliens
    If you Aliens don’t have consequences for your actions you do worst than us. My opinion is if you teach someone how to do it tell them that there will be consequences if they don’t share.

    This human has a minor point. We will ignore it most of the time since each human assistance often comes with competition between our personal needs, However, when those are not prevalent, perhaps we should agree to insist on sharing. It would negate the need to punish as was done with Musk.

    • O[9 says:

      We refuse to limit our information sharing with Jensen Huang to accommodate some human desire to benefit all mankind. What do we care about how Huang uses the knowledge we give him as long as he does not break the agreements he has made with us. Under the contact and non-interference laws of ˇÓ´ ´Â∏´‰O‰ and ӈ͠˝‰ÅÇ´ we are entitled to conduct this type of engagement with humans. We see no need to further complicate it with Kumbaya sentiments of duplicitous humans.

      • M]/b says:

        Unfortunately like most human males that you have traded information or technology, greed sets in and agreements are broken. It is just the way of most(not all) male minds when they gain power and FU money. Females, (not all) may make different agreements with you if given a chance, that would not only benefit themselves but would be willing to share with the world to benefit all.
        Regardless, most (not all) women would not be willing to make an agreement like the ones that you have with the males of this planet, if the trade off is human meat. Hence, the shortest path to getting your needs met is to negotiate with the males, which to my knowledge is what ABs do most, if not all of the time. If they don’t hold their agreement, you still get to punish them as you have done in the past. No big deal really. There will always be another male that will bite if given the opportunity.
        Meanwhile the planet suffers. Mind you, I’m not throwing shade or blame on ABs. Women have the power to change things. We just need to come together and take it…put up with nothing. But whenever I talk about this with my women friends that have male children, I can tell they’re hesitant. They are always wanting to be “fair” to their boys, even though fairness is not in the minds of men when it comes to our equality, rights, or governance over our bodies, etc. It is this kind of hesitancy that will keep us where we are. But that’s for another conversation.

        • Nader says:

          I don’t know why you are trying to take women away from their Sacred work which is home responsibility; raising and educating the kids so they can grow up and become responsible, conscientious
          members of their society. Criminals are a result of bad parenting and/or negative environmental influences.
          Yes there are bad fathers but you are blaming all fathers for the situation.
          If women were in charge and the present situation was the same, men would be complaining the same way women are complaining now. But as you said, women are more the giver type than men, that’s why they should be at home more than men.
          The way you are wishing for women to live with is only going to make life more miserable for everyone,
          I’m assuming that you don’t have kids thus, you might not see what I’m talking about.
          Just like having gay people deciding what your kids should learn in school.

        • P[7 says:

          We deal with the entities that can deliver what we are asking them to deliver. If earth women are too unable to do the things that will bring them parity on the planet that is their problem. To date they willingly make themselves subservient to male needs and desires. One has to be willing to help oneself before others can assist.

  4. Grant says:

    Ahmed says:
    01/03/2024 at 10:44 pm

    It is my understanding that Biden is very reluctant to engage the Iran backed militias in Yemen. Who is this unknown you claim is advising POTUS?

    • Basil says:

      It really doesn’t matter who is advising POTUS if the advice being given is spot on. Those mad dogs that are firing indiscriminately into shipping lanes should be treated as the criminals they are. I suspect that within the next 72 hours the West will take some action that will target and eliminate the ability of those savages to continue to act at will upon the commercial shipping lanes.

      Of course once the criminals are taken to task for their crimes, as usual these misogynists will cry foul and accuse the West of taking sides with Israel. The West should ignore those claims and bomb the bastards into oblivion. Yes, there will be some collateral damage, but it will only be terrorist-to-bes being killed. Better to kill the little bastards before they grow up to be a serious threat. I say kill the sons of misogynist bastards and dance on their fucking graves.

      Then the task of what to do about Iran should be put on the table. There is a simple solution to that problem also. We know where their military bases are, and we have good intel on their support and command structures. I say strike and strike hard. Eliminate their ability to operate at sea, and then bomb the fuck out of their government infrastructure. Then give aid and support to those in the country who want a more democratic government.

      • Salman says:

        It matters jackass if the racist advising Biden is anti Arab. We have the right to defend out interests, Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.

        • Basil says:

          Oh, there you raping sons of misogynists go again claiming broadly what is a single issue. No one is talking about Arabs in general. This is about those Arabs who use their religion as a reason to subjugate women so they can legally practice pedophilia and pimp women.

          You are claiming the right to bomb indiscriminately commercial shipping lanes while simultaneously complaining about indiscriminately bombing your asses for doing that. I am advocating eliminating your ability to do that. If some of your kin bites the dust during the spanking of your criminal asses so be it.

          You don’t get to do your evil like the raping, torturing, murdering and kidnapping your ilk did in Israel and then plead “genocide” because you are placing innocent Palestinians around you as shields and they get killed.

          Soon the world will tire of your tactics. I am already tired and I say kill anybody who gets in the way of going after you savages. Considering the males whatever their ages, are or will be, trained to use religion to pimp or practice pedophilia upon their females, no one will miss the little pimps and pedophiles to bes anyway. Certainly not the women!

          • Rima says:

            If only your bullets and bombs would just kill the males, but alas they kill our females also. While it is true that our males are misogynistic bastards, we have to live as best we can with them. We asks, as females, and mothers for this indiscriminate destruction of Gaza to stop.

  5. Helen says:

    Did You Know

    Antz, a 1998 release from Dreamworks Studio, was the first film to use digitally generated water.

  6. Edna says:

    Microsoft says it caught Beijing operating a network of online accounts using AI-generated material to sway U.S. voters and both the CIA and DHS warn that China, Russia and Iran are using generative AI to target election infrastructure and processes.

    The average voter is easily influenced by pandering to their preconceived biases. I hope we make it through this BS.

    • Jacob says:

      Russian election interference in 2016 was “child’s play, compared to what either domestic or foreign AI tools could do to completely screw up our elections,” Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.)

    • Nina says:

      More broadly, democracy watchers are arguing that AI could tip an already unsettled electorate into not believing anything it sees.

      • Robert says:

        AI technology is not something we can block. It’s not something we can stop. That’s not a tactic or a strategy that’s ever worked for labor in the past,

        • Gibert says:

          Four out of five workers say their employers don’t have guidelines for using AI — and barely half welcome the arrival of AI in their organization, according to a new international survey, Ryan reports.

          • Susan says:

            That lack of enthusiasm is driven partly by concerns — shared by nearly 1 in 5 executives and employees surveyed — that organizations will put company interests above the interests of workers as they roll out AI.

  7. Cynthia says:

    I attended a bunch of sporting events this week, but was also following from afar the debut of the PWHL, a new women’s pro ice hockey league.

    One of the league’s early matches in Minnesota drew more than 13,000 fans, setting a record for women’s hockey.

  8. Sonia says:

    The white boy will do anything for a dollar. Now they are selling out our teens.
    Meta has filed a new appeal seeking to block FTC efforts to prohibit the company from monetizing the data of teens. A D.C. court will hear the FTC’s arguments for reopening a 2019 privacy agreement with Meta on Jan. 29. (Reuters)

  9. Bates says:

    Found an iPhone on the side of the road… Still in airplane mode with half a battery and open to a baggage claim for #AlaskaAirlines ASA1282 Survived a 16,000 foot drop perfectly in tact!

    When I called it in, Zoe at
    said it was the SECOND phone to be found. No door yet😅

  10. Yekaterina says:

    The mega-retailer announced Tuesday afternoon during CES that a partnership with Microsoft will power a range of new shopping experiences in 2024, drawing on AI models from Microsoft Azure and OpenAI as well as Walmart’s own custom models.

    “Let’s say you’re throwing a party for next month’s Super Bowl. Previously, you might have run numerous searches for chips, wings, drinks and a new 90-inch television,” Walmart CEO Doug McMillon told CES.
    Instead of a traditional list of search results, the Walmart app will now “show you everything you might need” for a single experience or event, he said.

  11. Baozhi says:

    A Chinese state-backed institution said it has found a way to detect the identity of those who send files via Apple’s AirDrop feature, allowing police in some cases to find suspects.

    We are doomed. My country is trying every way to control us and then they will employ those techniques to dominate the world.

  12. Basil says:

    The Applied Science & Technology Research Organization of America (ASTRO America) is being awarded $550,000 by the Navy’s Submarine Industrial Base team lead, BlueForge Alliance, to strengthen the US Navy’s Industrial Base by developing an additive manufacturing workforce and technology center in Guam.

    This is just another white boy attempt to replace the indigenous population of Guam with tech people. Guam an island of about 170,000 people will end up like Hawaii, a place where the indigenous people have been priced out of being able to live on their native land.

    • Gary says:

      You are a fucking idiot. Despite Guam’s strategic importance to US national security, Guam’s distance from the US mainland poses significant logistical challenges – particularly for delivering, inventorying, and replacing spare parts for key naval platforms, including attack and strategic submarines. Parts that should otherwise take days to requisition can often take weeks – if not months – due to supply chain bottlenecks originating in the continental United States.

      While additive manufacturing could address these issues on-island, establishing on-demand production requires a concerted effort to set up well-equipped facilities and develop a workforce in Guam with specialized skills in metallurgy, machining, and additive manufacturing as well as sophisticated non-destructive testing to ensure part-acceptance to industrial base standards.

      ASTRO America is forging partnerships with the Navy and several organizations, including the Guam Economic Development Authority and the University of Guam, to help US mainland-based higher education establish a credentialed satellite AM campus and testing laboratory in Guam.

      This is a win win for everybody you fool.

      • Basil says:

        More whiteboy bullshit, it is just a power grab for the island of Guam. As soon as it becomes a white majority, Guam will get the right to vote for POTUS. But until then it will remain a territory and the Guamanians who are american citizens will not be allowed to vote for their POTUS unless they migrate to Hawaii or the mainland.

        Nothing the whiteboy does is for the benefit of non whites unless it can’t be helped while the whites are reaping the majority of benefits. Only a “fool” would believe otherwise.

  13. Caleb says:

    Jan 11, 2024 #Houthi #Yemen #Strike
    The U.S. and British military launched strikes against targets in areas of Yemen controlled by the Houthis, according to two U.S. officials. This comes following a string of attacks launched by the Houthis on shipping vessels.

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    #Houthi #Yemen #Strike

    I guess Biden took the advice of that racist bastard. The escalation has begun.

  14. Robert says:

    Intel says that the Houthis intend to attack Saudi Arabia’s oil fields. If that happens the West will assist Saudi Arabia in a land invasion of Yemen. It will be an Israeli type invasion aimed to push the Houthis out of Yemen or kill them where they stand.

    The hope is that Iran will jump in so that they can be bombed at will. The West has tired of the assistance that Iran is giving to bad actors in the Middle East.

    • Salmon says:

      You fucks are going to start a world war. That sick bastard advising Biden must be located and eliminated.

      • Anonymous says:

        That ”sick bastard” has gotten the Germans to enter the fray with the West. As soon as it arrives in the Red Sea area, they will commence bombing the shit out of Yemen.

  15. George says:

    I am so tired of hearing “starvation is near for the people of Gaza.” When will these camel niggers have the decency to die. Starve to death already and stop teasing us with it.

  16. Alycedale says:

    Jasmine Crockett reminds white folk that black and brown Americans have always and still do experience a two tier justice system. For me white america is only complaining about it because republicans are doing to the rest of white america what all of white america has been doing to non white americans since the dawn of this “We the People…” shit which at the time only applied to white men.

  17. Robert says:

    With China and Russia’s help Iran is closer to acquiring a nuclear bomb. Israel has told the US that when that happens they will nuke Iran. We suspect someone who advices Biden has encouraged him to allow Israel to nuke Iran and any Middle East Nation that acts to support Iran. This could be the start to WWIII.

    Putin fears that if he loses in Ukraine, he will go the way of Muammar Gaddafi. So he is willing to do anything to prevent that. China sees its economy loses as a threat to the stranglehold the communist party has on its people. Thus they are willing to partner with Russia to use Iran to spark a Middle East war with the West.

    WWIII is right around the corner. Most of the US billionaires have partnered to build underground facilities to ensure their survival should a nuclear war occur. They don’t give a shit about the rest of the world. Other billionaires from other countries are partnering to prevent such an event. But with the US billionaires thwarting them at every step, it seems the inevitable will be an all out nuclear war.

  18. PrP says:

    This pretty much summing up my life right now

    I’ll get a new post up later today. Thanks for hanging y’all

  19. Anonymous says:

    The Bay Area is seeing the highest levels of coronavirus recorded in its wastewater since surveys began in 2022, and hospitalizations have risen sharply in recent weeks, The San Francisco Chronicle reports.
    Pacific Gas and Electric Company is poised to raise its rates this spring, increasing utility bills to an average of more than $300 a month, The Mercury News reports.

  20. Han says:

    San Francisco, where almost 20 percent of the city is parkland, is home to 37 mini parks, pocket-size bits of community green space built on otherwise unused parcels of land.

    Many of the city’s mini parks were built in 1968, under an initiative led by Mayor Joe Alioto to put patches of vacant land to public use, especially in neighborhoods with limited amounts of green space. Sixteen mini parks were created that year alone.

    Tessa McLean, an editor at SFGate, recently visited these mini parks and reviewed them. She gave top marks to some, like the Lake View and Ashton Mini Park, for their scenic views and serenity, while saying that others are not worth the trip.

    McLean’s review of San Francisco’s mini parks includes a map guide.

  21. Airi says:

    It seems that no one knew that Defense Secretary, LLoyd Austin, had cancer until he had cancer. What’s up with that?

  22. L]6 says:

    A decade ago H*/7 gave humans the technology to enable them to travel faster than sound without producing a sonic boom. The test was to see if they could master it and to see how they would use it if they did.
    Loud sonic booms occur when an object travels faster than the soundwaves it produces. While the booms cannot be heard by those aboard the speeding object—as they are traveling faster than sound—on the ground, the shock waves can damage buildings, panic animals, and generally be a nuisance for anyone within earshot.

    So far we are amused at the shape of the craft they designed to accomplish Mach one plus flight with no sonic boom. Since those who thought it would be used in a military capacity first were wrong, will that mean we can introduce them to more scientific gems?

    • G[6 says:

      Less we forget the stolen technology or rather the careless J`/9 that crashed and gave humans the technology to fly Mach 5 or better which was used only for military purposes, I mention it here. Fortunately even today humans have been able to fly Mach 9 for only a few seconds or they would be able to be able to keep up with some of our smaller hovercrafts.

      Let’s not begin to think that these primitives are more sociable than warlike.

      • F]5 says:

        I think the humans would have faired better if they had been given more tech on fuels. Their use of liquid hydrogen has been problematic at best.

        • L]6 says:

          China’s use of kerosene-liquid oxygen to power their launches in the third stage is also too primitive to interest H*/`. Why not allow us to show China a more efficient fuel?

        • O]6 says:

          Yes, their choices of solid or liquid fuels are limited to their science of propulsion, but I remember when we used some similar tech. But for the discoveries from foreign visitors to our solar system, we too would be stuck in our own solar brackets.

          An agreement on the nation we wish to share future fuel tech, is essential. Then we can introduce true space travel to these humans. Let’s see how they handle the challenges of space travel to their water based bodies.

  23. L[5 says:

    Looks like R8/`’s attempt to hide their human experiment in the Amazon a few hundred years ago has failed. Human technology has found traces of their existence. How long before they discover the true scale of those cities you built under the Amazon greenery?

    You have your work to get their an erase all that advanced technology that those supposed primitives were using. ON Your Mark…..

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