more grifting

Hope everyone is doing good. Have a nice weekend.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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32 Responses to more grifting

  1. I[5 says:

    The discussion concerning assisting humans in mastering the speed necessary for them to reach places in their galaxy that will sustain their life forms is making its rounds again. I am against giving them this technology because I believe they will use it to make war among themselves.
    Presently their technology for acceleration is limited to prepackaged (nonrenewable) fuel, energy collected from starlight (which would be more challenging when between stars), elements like hydrogen in the interstellar medium, or by slingshotting off of celestial bodies.
    Even something like Nuclear Fusion would be dangerous to just give to humans. I say allow them to develop in this area on their own. In the time it takes them to master the new technology we will see how they use nuclear fusion over their nuclear fission to assist their populations rather than using it to wage a better war.

    • E[8 says:

      We agree Nuclear Fusion would allow them to reach speeds of 60 to 70 million miles per hour, potentially reducing travel times to nearby stars to just 45 years. Perhaps in that time they will arrive too old to be violent. But I doubt it.

      The problem is that with their current technology for making metals that can withstand collision they would be destroyed by the micrometeoroids of space. Those tiny particles travel at about 90% of the speed of light and contain enough kinetic energy to transform them into small nuclear bombs (two kilotons of TNT).

      Nothing in their metal technology would enable their metals to withstand the variable particle seizes that are floating around in space and the extremely high velocities necessary for speedy space travel.

      Again as you suggested if we give them the technology to develop more efficient polymers and the ability to develop a protective field capable of deflecting or absorbing the impact of incoming particles, they will just use it to wage war against each other. .

      The human is just not ready for inter galactic travel or becoming a member of our Interstellar community. Their place as a meat colony is secure; leave it at that.

    • K]5 says:

      That “discussion” is continuously on the table because some of us believe otherwise. We would suggest giving them the technology to go further than nuclear fusion. Sure they have used the nuclear reaction of splitting an atom into multiple parts as a means of waging war among themselves, but they have also used the technology to bring a more comfortable life to themselves.

      Granted it is a dangerous and inefficient way to produce energy over Nuclear fusion in which atomic nuclei combine, but it was a start. Let’s see how they use the different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles they develop from combining deuterium and tritium. If they use it to eleminate the need for combustible fuels and forego the its war wagering implications, then we can give the technology to develop the type of fuel that we use for space travel.

      • G]4 says:

        Allowing humans to travel at speeds of 100 to 200 million miles per hour would be unconscionable. That would mean that we would also have to give the metallurgy technology to to withstand those speeds and the polymer technology to morph into aircraft skins necessary for space travel. Most certainly they would use that technology to wage war against themselves and maybe even develop a means to wage war against us.

        • E[8 says:

          Those speeds would allow humans to reach other stars in 5 to 10 years. That is a dangerous idea. What would we give them next, terraforming technology? This is not something that these primitives can handle safety. The Known Universe could be up ended. Let’s just see how they use the present technology that many of you have been in violation of the NIE have given them. I fear that weapons such as the Laser technology that some of you have given them will mean the annihilation of the human race as we know it. What will this do to the food chain?

    • O[4 says:

      None of this need be considered since they are about to detonate nuclear fission bombs to destroy the planet and themselves. We need only be concerned about those we intend to bring up.

      • V]7 says:

        On this note, we would like to announce that we have developed a way to slow the human heart to 4 beats per minute. At that rate they are able to maintain their bone density and muscle mass. We do this by insuring a stable blood glucose level which regulates their body’s sensitivity to insulin. This means that the human heart needs to use only two of its four chambers to circulate thicker blood. Their body temperature dips and they essentially do not eat, urinate, or defecate for up to 51 years.

        Since we can put them on planets similar to Earth within 2 to 3 years, this should be adequate for transporting them to even more distance places in the very ends of the Milky Way.

        • S]4 says:

          We tested that method of initiating stasis, and found that it requires a phase in which the human has been provided a controlled feeding so that it can enter hyperphagia. It works but their fatty tissue showed extensive signs of metabolic activity, including changes in more than 1,000 genes during hibernation. These “hibernation genes” are prime targets for humans who are put in stasis.

  2. D]6 says:

    O[4, there are as many factions opposed to allowing them to do this as their are committed to the Non-Interference pact set by ˇÓ´ ´Â∏´Ø‰O. The issue of what constitutes “Interference” is the focal point of that discussion. Once an agreement can be settled upon a logical compromise might be reached.

  3. L]2 says:

    We prefer Diapuse as the method to ship humans. Their bodies can stay in a state of dormancy where little or no development takes place until the environment is right. The technology to engage human diapause is developing rapacity. We will master it within the next year or two. If the human doesn’t kill himself before we reach our goal, it will prove to be a viable option to hibernation.

  4. J[6 says:

    The impact of weightlessness, and flight stress on the muscles, joints, bones, immune system, and eyes of humans must also be considered. The physiological and psychological risks of a long flight are unknown for humans. Most data models are inadequate because those humans have been given suits and their earth bodies disposed of. Artificial gravity — essentially putting the humans in chambers that spins to replicate the effects of Earth’s gravity — would address many of these issues, but not all.

    These are concerns for those who envision allowing humans to travel with some or no stasis involved. Humans tend to not function well in environments that force them to work with and live with certain groups for long periods of time. They tend to develop strained or even antagonistic relationships.

    • K]3 says:

      I suggest that we take the advice of those humans who we have given the power to make the selections of who we take up to determine the biological, tactical and psychological issues those humans they select will have to endure. They are better equipped to determine the ethics of placing an entire group of humans on a single spacecraft that will take them to a world with the expectation that they further procreate additional generations of people, on that world.

      Those selectees will have to live with the knowledge that the world on which their selected group will live, or are born, is the only world they will ever get to know. Certain social, economic, and cultural infrastructure would need to be built, but only the human who we have given the power to select who leaves the planet Earth should be the determinate of those criteria. We should stand down on all these issues.

      • Q]5 says:

        On this most of us are in agreement, at least 97%. The only contention is how much if any brain enlargement should the Selectees be given to assist them in their control over the thousands to millions they will have to oversee when the arrive on their new world. One must be careful to balance their intellect increase so as to not dip their emotional connection to their fellow earthlings to low. What that delicate balance should be is open to a lot of discussion.

  5. Fred says:

    PrP, loved that one about “where I banged stormy daniel.”

  6. Basil says:

    Hey, just who are the “Selectors? How did they get to be the ones to pick thousands or even millions to be brought up? Nobody asked me for my picks.

    • M]/b says:

      If you’re going to give humans the ability to travel at those speeds, what about the technology to develop radiation shields to protect the people aboard those crafts traveling in space? Let’s not forget that. We don’t want them arriving with messed up DNA, etc.

      L]2: What is Diapuse? Do we have any animals or creatures on earth that have the ability to stay in a state of dormancy? Thanks.

      • PrP says:

        Sounds like a torpor type state. Some animals are capable of slowing down their heartbeat to basic function and go into a stagnant state. Humans so far can’t.

        • M]/b says:

          Thank you. I don’t see your comment before I reposted.
          But yes, bears and bats go into light hibernation. Not sure why I didn’t remember that. ☺️

  7. M]/b says:

    Oops didn’t mean to respond to you Basil. This was meant to just be in the comments section. 😜

    If you’re going to give humans the ability to travel at those speeds, what about the technology to develop radiation shields to protect the people aboard those crafts traveling in space? Let’s not forget that. We don’t want them arriving with messed up DNA, etc.

    L]2: What is Diapuse? Do we have any animals or creatures on earth that have the ability to stay in a state of dormancy? Thanks.

  8. Helen says:

    Did You Know

    Salmonella, the bacteria responsible for untold cases of food poisoning around the world every year, is named after Daniel Elmer Salmon (the leader of the Veterinary Division of the United States Department of Agriculture lab in which the bacteria was first discovered in 1885).

  9. M*/~ says:

    Although we are grateful for being allowed to return to this sector we would like to state again that we were wronged by being exiled for the accusation that we were complicit in John F. Kennedy’s death. Yes, we did have members in Carlos Marcello’s crime family, but since the plot to kill Kennedy involved not only the mob but many other racist, economic, and government conspirators who wanted the Kennedy family eliminated for reasons of their own, we felt that it would violate NIE if we interfered. So we didn’t. And we would also like to state for the record that the aliens in Santo Trafficante Sr, and other Mobs that were also complicit in Kennedy’s death were not punished as severely as we were. To expel an entire MotherShip for an offense against humans that we were just observers of was just too severe.

    • LEi says:

      The people you had learning about how Mobs and governments cooperated to affect the people they governed stepped over the line when they failed to protect Dorothy Kilgallen. They knew that she was going to be murdered, yet they acted to insure that it would happen rather than step out of their mob roles of being observant and save her. Consider your punishment light. Had this sector been under ˇÓ´˜´Â∏´‰O‰ÆÍ rule, the punishment would have been exile forever and death for many of your kind.
      The American experience is full of terrible acts committed by those in power to maintain their dominance over the American people. While we are held to be just observers, we are permitted to on occasion balance the need for assistance to the advancement of America as a bastion of liberty for all its occupancy. The opportunity for America to be invited to hold counsel with the then Council of ÅÒˆ´Í depended upon bringing it to a certain standard of governance. A nudging of that would not have violated NIE.

  10. Suzy says:

    Does anyone remember the name of the boxed full body cleanse you used to be able to buy at Rainbow Grocery in SF?

  11. Nader says:

    I suggest, let humans know about aliens and that will make them focus on competing with aliens instead of competing with each other. And I’m not talking about wars, we will try to focus on improving ourselves instead fighting each other.

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