the center of the milky way

Isn’t that just gorgeous. So pretty!

So is how is every one doing with the isolation? I feel like I’ve been practicing for this my whole life. I’ve never had a problem staying home but I know it can be tough on many people, especially those whose relationships are struggling or are less than desirable. I wish you all health and happiness.

I’ve got ZERO feedback from anybody on the three-post front format – the ability to post comments on one of three available postings. I’m considering going back to the single post format since no one seems to stay on the current page. Last call for comments……Let me hear from you please.

Stay healthy.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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45 Responses to the center of the milky way

  1. Green says:

    It seems the entire trump administration which includes those temporary help appointees that have not been vetted, botched the worst event to ever happen in my lifetime.
    He was too late coming to our rescue.He spent most of his time saying it was a liberal hoax and the media was spreading lies about him instead of praising him for doing a great job in closing down China entry into the US.
    Anyone that doesn’t praise him gets slammed. Thankfully most of us can read him. It’s that other half who worship him that scares me.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I have no idea where my comment is going.

  3. X says:

    Yeah, how does one “stay on the current page?”

  4. Tom says:

    With Trump and his gang of incompetents in charge the US version of “Wuhan” COVID-19 would be more aptly called the Trump Yayhoo Virus…

  5. Mark says:

    The trump family own stock in the company that makes quinine, hence the plaquenil & clarithromycin advice.

  6. Mark says:

    Azithromycin— correct spelling fuck up

  7. Mark says:

    Azithromycin— correct spelling fuck up

  8. Phillip says:

    Still too much deference being shown to the office that 45 is disgracing. The pundits. Governors. Mayors. I understand morale. I understand the need for common purpose. But it’s past time to call this cretin out.

    45 is unfit. He is incompetent. He is not remotely equipped to guide America through this mess. He is NOT a war time President. He is not FDR. He is an unequivocal idiot. He will remain an unequivocal idiot.

    Nothing will change until he is removed from the Oval. And a man or woman who knows what in hell they’re doing, replaces him. The orange @@@@gibbon is an ongoing trainwreck. Hope will not change that. Earnest trust will not change that.

    The entire House and Senate needs to march over to the West Wing, and demand his resignation in the name of the country. Pure fantasy I know. But 45 is criminally irresponsible. A bloody moron. He must be publicly and loudly declared so.

    • Stephen says:

      Somewhere around 17,000 lies in three or so years, and he can still tell you anything? And you believe him?

  9. Steve says:

    Unnecessary death is merely collateral damage to keep the economy going per this administration.

  10. LLoyd says:

    PPP, I agree why give all that money to those challatans when it could be put to better use helping the people live longer. The longer they put between them and those “pearly gates” the better off they will be.

  11. Rick says:

    These poor slobs that vote Republican are the problem. The feed them lax gun laws and they think that will solve everything. But Republican politicians are all about the con and making these poor trash vote for them is the game.

    • Felipe says:

      This is what we get when we elect a cowardly draft-dodging wannabe mobster who is too stupid to know how to make money from slot machines and thinks nuking hurricanes is a great idea.

  12. Fred says:

    Pretty Please!
    Give Mr tRUMP Plaquinil…
    By all means, Mr tRUMP* is invested both emotionally and financially in Plaquinil…
    Here is something to remember.

    When I worked in Ophthalmology (Eye Doctor)
    we had patients come in for a Plaquinil Toxicity exam.

    Many systemic medications may cause retinal toxicity. One such commonly used medication for dermatologic and rheumatologic inflammatory conditions is hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), a chloroquine derivative. It is used to treat many diseases including malaria, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
    Retinal toxicity from hydroxychloroquine is rare, but even if the medication is discontinued, vision loss may be irreversible and may continue to progress. It is imperative that patients and physicians are aware of and watch for this drug’s ocular side effects. And before treatment is initiated with hydroxychloroquine, a complete ophthalmic examination should be performed to determine any baseline maculopathy.

    For those that don’t know… The Macula is your driving and reading vision…

    • Anonymous says:

      And the Trump allies with investments in the drug companies that would seem to be helped by Trump’s advocacy for the drug — which include Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, investor Ken Fisher, and Amneal Pharmaceuticals co-founder Chirag Patel —

  13. Li3 says:

    The virus was initiated by the Chinese to justify the government’s use of a new technology which allows China to track every person in China with a cell phone 24/7.

    With this new technology, the government can track everyone the person meets and everything the person does from wake to sleep.

    China had the antidote for the virus before they introduced it to its citizens. It was designed as a military weapon. They cooked up several different strains of which only they have the cure. Once introduced, the viruses can incapacitate military as well as the civilian population.

    China is gaging how fast it takes other governments to deal with the virus before it gives them the cure. This threat is not lost to the West.

  14. Desmond says:

    20 plus thousand dead. I thought it was a hoax, it was the “Chinese Virus” and it would magically disappear in about 4 days.
    I also thought it was all Obama’s fault. What is it now “The White and Black American Virus”, “The Italian Virus”, “The Spanish Virus”, “The Iranian Virus”.

    Folks this is what happens when you elect a racist,incompetent,fraud,cheat and amateur golfer for president.

    • Lisa says:

      Desmond, it doesn’t matter. Unless at least a 100k dies with at least half being the deplorables relatives, they won’t care. Just look at how they react to mass shootings.

      These are sick racist whiteboys who will do and accept anyone who promises them they will be able to practice that racism and misogyny without repercussions.

  15. Sally says:

    WHO supposedly told Trump Jan 10 transmission was person to person.
    Intelligence agencies told him about it before we knew.
    The good doctor told him in 2017 to prepare for it.
    He fired our scientists and doctors working in China whose job it was to ID and minimize the effect of viruses.

  16. Robert says:

    Ivanka tRump has China producing voting machines which can alter who a person votes for. The GOP will work hard to cut deeply into the write in ballot to force voters to use those rigged machines.

  17. Bill says:

    Donald is not to blame for the appearance of the virus. Donald is to blame for his criminally incompetent response to the crisis. Actually, we should call it the lack of a response. He wasted 70 precious days with crazy Bullshit.

    He is responsible for thousands of needless deaths and tens of thousands of americans needlessly suffering from this virus. And those numbers are only going up.

    Vote this piece of shit out in November and jail his crooked ass by this time next year.

  18. Rachel says:

    It’s a fact that Trump was/is neck deep w/washing money for OC.

    Due to Trump’s fiscal irresponsibility, no legit banks would deal w/him. Trump did business w/ Deustche Bank, the same bank Putin, oligarchs & international OC syndicates washed their money through, using Trump properties & real estate dealings as a cover w/ Trump getting “loans’ in return as a washing fee.

  19. Iris says:

    In 2018, Trump fired his homeland security adviser, Thomas Bossert, whose portfolio included global pandemics. The same year Trump disbanded the NSC’s global health unit. Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer, the top official in charge of a pandemic response, also left his job. So did Borio, whose title was director for medical and biodefense preparedness. None of them were replaced.

  20. Gloria says:

    Trump is evil and sinister. Trump lied and people died. This is on Trump, the GOP and every person who cast a vote for him. Blood is on them.

    The GOP Senate took part in these serial killings by not doing their jobs. They should have impeached – blood is on them. All over them.

  21. Arie says:

    Republican Death Panels. And black and brown Americans bear the brunt of Republican racism. That is the GOP’s strategy along with voter suppression.

  22. Paul says:

    Actually don’t be surprised when many voters reject Democrat in November due to the left using this outbreak as a political weapon. All these attacks against President Trump are lies. Trump’s administration was actively working to get information and samples to create tests and vaccines. Nobody has a crystal ball so actions a positions changed as more was learned so the whole botched response accusation is only believable by very naive individuals.

    • Traci says:

      I think far more people vote on images of character and solid response than political bitterness. Trump could have gone worst case and let policy and monetary details go to staff and cabinet. Instead he chose to start the response based on personal political beliefs, went back and forth leaving an overall image of vagueness and indecision. Not a good look for the Fall.

    • Christie says:

      I don’t believe we’ll be surprised at all when trump loses the election bigly. The only people who believe the Democrats have weaponized the virus are his Fox watching 40%. Everyone else has seen how he has ignored the virus for selfish reasons having nothing to do with the health and safety of the American people. They know he dismantled the very agencies responsible for protecting us from these viruses. They’ve seen how he has not taken responsibility for anything, deflecting and distracting as he typically does. His 40% falls for his hype, the other 60% see right through it and it disgusts them.

  23. Christopher says:

    A look at the victims of the epidemic and one understands why Trump responce has been weak at best, or just plain criminal.
    The victims
    The elderly
    The sick
    The poor

    All the people he cares little for. Remember Steven Miller is still in Trumps ear. And this is a white Supremacists wish list. Trump used the word washover, a term used to mean to do nothing and allow it to run its course. Trump bragged a few hundred thousand dead Americans is a victory for him, a 10 out 10 on response according to Trump.

  24. Michael says:

    So what about the studies showing 25% of people with the virus are asymptotic but contagious? What about the transmission from being anyone within 6 feet. What about hundreds of people the grocery store worker comes in contact with? What about all the products they touch when those products were touched by the public and could be infected. What about all the food being shipped to the store that was handled by others that is then handled by grocery store workers?

  25. Leon says:

    The COVID19 virus that trump has done the worst job ever with managing…that virus.

  26. Matt says:

    You mean the Chinese Virus…
    Riddle me this… How is it Trumps fault when 1/2 of the deaths have come in a LONG TIME democratically controlled city???

    • Sarah says:

      Because he has made the virus and the federal government’s response to it political. Who cares if it is a democratically controlled city when thousands are dying there. He is not god, and NYC is not Sodom and Gomorrah.

    • Maria says:

      Look at the racist trying so hard to please his cult leader who doesn’t even know he exists. Sad.

    • Lyn says:

      All his supporters’ are stupid and blind. Save your time. This doctor can and will sue and WIN

    • Ursula says:

      When we are dealing with the most INEPT WH in our history, who IGNORED all warnings of this dangerous Virus, who the HELL do you suppose Allowed it to KILL 1000,s? DEM or REPUG, Face Facts!!

    • Sally says:

      No transparency
      Downplayed threat
      Lied about data
      Delayed action

      Xi or Trump?

    • Gus says:

      Why try to answer a question asked by an utter fool? And not just fool, a total hack as well?

      A little effort at research by this foolish hack would give him the answer he asks for, but he is too lazy and morally corrupt to take the time to do so.

    • Timur says:

      You are a racist. Please go to breitbart.

    • Sonja says:

      Trump did not stop planes from China.

      He stopped Chinese nationals from entering the US from China. He did not stop Americans or other nationalities.

      And his order came six weeks late.

      Trump is president, not Nancy Pelosi. Deflecting does not excuse him.

  27. Steven says:

    I am an ER doctor. I’m quite sure that I’m at greater risk than most of those you mentioned. The sick come to us. People who think they have Covid19 seek us out. That is a far greater exposure risk than in a random population sampling, especially in areas that are not (yet) hard hit. Many doctors and nurses have gotten sick, and most of them were doing their best to not let that happen. I worry quite a bit about infecting my family. Of course I do everything I can to protect myself and others, but I can’t deny that there is risk.

    • Alan says:

      Pharmacists are being asked to provide testing for symptomatic patients without any of the protections you mention. We get one mask a week, no gown, no face mask, no screening of patients at the door, people walk up and hand us their cell phone with a discount coupon on it. They bring their medicine bottles in from their bathrooms for refills. They hand us written prescriptions that they have bled on, sneezed on, coughed on. They walk around the store handling items for purchase then push them at the pharmacist to ring them up just like at WaWa or Publix. Don’t discount the dangers others are facing as we try to do our share. You are facing an enormous health threat and we respect that. Respect us too, please.

  28. Collins says:

    I saw a story on the Last Word with Lawrence O’Donald last night where they interviewed a married ER doctor in Louisville, KY with children who deals with coronavirus patients daily. When he goes home he stays in a trailer outside of his house to avoid any personal contact with his family in order to keep them safe.

  29. Bill says:

    The whiteboy is always selling out his country while waving the flag and accusing others of being unpatriotic.

  30. Bill says:

    Pastor who said God ‘larger than this dreaded virus’ dies of Covid-19
    He forgot he was black. God maybe larger than the virus, but obviously, from the state of the world, he’s not bigger than racism. The Moral of this story is trust in God, but make sure you are not part of a racist medical establishment if you get sick.

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