Friday fuckery

The all white jury is in – Rittenhouse not guilty on all counts. I don’t think anyone didn’t see that coming with that corrupt judge in charge. The POS is definitely now the poster boy for white racists. This country is fucked.

And this POS. This was posted in one of the groups I am a member of on Facebook. I explained to her that all states have pro bono lawyers who will offer free legal aid that a simple google search will find. I so hope she finds the help she needs, sues the shit of him, and gets his license taken away. I’m sharing because every woman needs to know how things like this happen. He’s got the crazy eyes for sure. Never disregard the look! Perhaps someone reading can help her legally. Also, for others here, imo he’s ripe for digestion.

It’s a fucked up world for sure.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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9 Responses to Friday fuckery

  1. PrP says:

    The recording device is at capacity

  2. Doug says:

    There are new lows reached daily in Amerikkka. The unearthed Trumpian sesspool mindset made conscious is a danger to the global society.

  3. Jesse says:

    6 months for strangling. Probation for sexually assaulting 4 girls(if you are white). 30 years for stealing bread (if you are not).

  4. Jae says:

    I was attacked by a neighbor boy when I was 14. He stripped my clothes and beat me up. But I was able to open my backdoor which allowed my Rottweiler to come inside. The attacker broke his arm trying to scale the fence and sued my parents homeowners insurance. The prosecutor said because he didn’t actually penetrate me the most he would get was some type of probation and community service. My parents did not want to deal with anymore police or the court so they sent me to live with my Grandparents in a few towns over. It always bothered me because I knew this boy and knew that he had a lot going on at home and needed real help. Plus I deserved some sort of justice. I got hurt pretty bad – physically and emotionally. Anyways. That boy went on to be a serial rapist (12 women proven) who is now serving a life sentence. I know it isn’t my fault but when I heard they finally got him, it kind of felt like it was. I was the first after all. I knew what he was capable of. It is sad for everyone really. Jae

    6 months for strangling. Probation for sexually assaulting 4 girls(if you are white). 30 years for stealing bread (if you are not).

  5. Y[9 says:

    Worked on your brother. His condition can be improved. Detected two types of cancer, urethra and prostate. Cancer in the prostrate has spread to surrounding tissue. Death is imminent. Ask him if the has a Gleason score? Can change the prostate cancer to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The urethra is in stage 4. Can take drastic measures. It would require leaving an enlarged prostate which would press on the urethra showing bladder irritation. This could lead to severe hematuria with blood clots in his bladder cavity. A lot of pain will be present until a washout is done using a catheter and possibly a syringe.

    You will know if we are successful because he will be treated with oral Finastride or some other minimal invasive technique. Humans are primitive in this area. “Life Extension” sells an optimized garlic which would thin his blood and provide immune support.

    Let us know in private what you want us to do.

  6. J/5_3 says:

    The 5th is the date.

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