
It’s all rain, rain, rain these days. How much rain have we had? Alot in places! It’s nice to see some of those numbers hitting towards 100% for the normal season. Still, there are other places that are still less than half for the season.

I’ve gotten a pretty good amount where I live. I’ve also had thunder, lightening, and hail! Best of all, I have a beautiful waterfall running right now in my backyard. It is LOUD. It is AWESOME!

The news is reporting that we may get a possible break from the rain beginning on Tuesday. We could use a little dry out now.

Stay safe and enjoy the weather. I am.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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25 Responses to pluviophilia

  1. J*/5 says:

    We will respond as requested.

  2. T]9 says:

    Climeworks AG is a company we can work with to assist humans in controlling the CO2 in their environment. What are the limits towards technological info?

  3. Helen says:

    Did You Know?

    Charles M. Shulz, best known as the cartoonist behind the Peanuts comic strip, penned the comic right up until the advanced stages of cancer made it impossible to do so. He passed away the night before the final Peanuts strip was published on January 3, 2000.

    • Alycedale says:

      Did You Know?

      The Library Hotel in New York City is arranged based on the Dewey Decimal System; its ten guest floors correspond to ten of the major categories in the Dewey Decimal System and its 60 rooms are outfitted with books, artifacts, and artwork related to sub-categories thereof.

    • Davey says:

      Did You Know?

      Researchers at MacEwan University discovered that people who frequently play video games were significantly more

    • Davey says:

      Did You Know?

      Researchers at MacEwan University discovered that people who frequently play video games were significantly more likely to have lucid dreams than non-gamers.

      Sorry about the previous one. It is my first time.

    • Kathy says:

      Did You Know?

      The letter J is the only letter that makes no appearance on the Periodic Table—Q appears, but only in temporary placeholder names like ununquadium (which later officially became Flerovium and lost the Q).

    • Kevin says:

      Did You Know?

      Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were both born on the same day: February 12, 1809.

  4. Claire says:

    Did you know?

    Deciduous teeth or primary teeth, also informally known as baby teeth, milk teeth, or temporary teeth, are the first set of teeth in the growth and development of humans. Deciduous teeth develop during the embryonic stage of development and erupt (break through the gums and become visible in the mouth) during infancy. They are usually lost and replaced by permanent teeth, but in the absence of their permanent replacements, they can remain functional for many years into adulthood

  5. Y*/8 says:

    Our records show that she appeared as Lozen, a warrior and spiritual leader of the Chiricahua Apache. As always she had a brother, Victorio, as her companion. As usual she took a powerful leader as one of her lovers, Geronimo, and as in all her previous appearances she was eventually suspected of having supernatural powers.

    Lozen actively fought against the U.S. Army and Mexican army for the preservation of the Apache way of life, freedom and their land, and was known for her ferocity in battle and her ability to evade capture. She was also known for her ability to scout and gather intelligence for her people, which was vital in the Apache resistance.

    Our attempts to track her to this time have not been met with great success. She may be a semi immortal or One of the TWO. But for certain she is present on Earth today. Any assistance that can be offered would be met with reciprocal assistance and respect.

    • M]6 says:

      It has been hypothesized that she is capable of parthenogenesis, and that she tells her offspring which are males that they are her brothers.

  6. J]8 says:

    What can we tell neuroscientists about unraveling the chemical mysteries inside the human brain that activates hibernation-like states in their bodies? My lady is a neuroscientist and she is very curious about how I managed to travel here from 7*/964533-4 since it is 3 light years away from Earth.

  7. James says:

    What’s raised here are what are called personality rights, or rights of publicity. You can’t use my face in an ad without getting my permission to do so. And in all likelihood, I’m not going to give you permission to do so unless you compensate me one way or another. You can’t just use someone’s face for your gain without getting their consent.

  8. Parvati says:

    I miss you Shiva

  9. Merritt says:

    Rain maker! 🌧️💰

  10. 2006 says:

    Does anyone remember the chlorocombo formula? Is it garlic or fiber?

  11. H]7 says:

    Do not interfere with the Cowboys and the 49ers game. This is niner country and I have a huge bet on them. It will be interference on the planet if you do.

    • K[7 says:

      All I said was I like the Cowboys’ chances. Yes, I said it with a smile, but no interference was meant by that. 😁

  12. P[3 says:

    Where are the “no go” places in Las Vegas?

    There are only a few and ironically, they are primarily apartment complexes.

    I would suggest that you avoid:

    The Sundance Apartments (Charleston and Rainbow) – Metro (The Las Vegas police) should open a substation in here as they are there EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    Shelter Island Apartments (Swenson Ave.) – Very bad place. Very scary, day or night. Police presence is high.

    Harbor Island Apts – (Harmon) – Transients. Drug use. Police. Need I say more?

    Some other areas I would suggest avoiding unless you have a REAL NEED to be down there:

    Karen St (Between Paradise and Maryland Parkway) – Besides having a sizable transient population, there’s a “mall” complex on there between Sahara and Karen which has some of Las Vegas’ sleaziest bars. You have been warned.

    The area around Nellis AFB along Las Vegas Blvd – From Cheyenne to Craig, bordered on the west by Pecos. Not a great area, which is odd as the air base is RIGHT THERE.

    Las Vegas Blvd – Just after you cross under US-95 and very nearly until you get to North Las Vegas driving northeast. This is where the majority of the homeless in Las Vegas congregate. Any time of the day or night you’ll see HUNDREDS of homeless people, and more than a few of them are mentally ill or substance abusers.

    Most of Boulder Highway – From where Fremont Street becomes Boulder Highway all the out to Flamingo. Rough area.

    Great menu for us, ay? Just walk these places at night and eat the ones that attack you.

    • V[8 says:

      Me, I like being a hippo. I get to chase down humans and trample or bite them in half. I don’t eat them because I am civilized.🫐

  13. Robert says:

    Were President Johnson and FBI Director Hoover guilty of burying the truth of what really happened concerning the JFK assassination?

    Just hours after Oswald was killed, Deputy US Attorney General Nickolous Katzenbach wrote a memo that the American people must be convinced that Oswald was the sole assassin an acted on his own. How Katzenbach could determine this with an assassination investigation just beginning is hard to imagine. Yet this formed the basis for the Warren Commision.

    What some American know is that President Johnson hand picked the Warren Commission members, and took every one of them aside and gave each one the same speal. It was important that Oswald be found guilty as being the lone assassin and not open up conspiracy leads, because that could well lead to Soviet or Cuban involvement, which could trigger a nuclear exchange where up to 40 million Americans could die. For the good of America, I am counting on you, said Lyndon Baines Johnson, the new President of the US. Powerful words. What many Americans might not know is that LBJ threatened to exposed a Mexico City incident that got a refusing Chief Justice Earl Warren to head the commission to suddeningly change his mind. Senator Richard Russell Jr, a long time friend of LBJ also tried to back out till President Johnson mentioned that Russell probably wanted a hotel breakfast incident left buried.

    Such was the selection of the Warren Commission, under threats and intimidations with instructions to find Oswald as the lone assassin at all costs.

    It would seem President Johnson had been consulting with FBI Director J Edgar Hoover to make these astounding claims, as the FBI was the foremost investgative agency in the US. But actually President Johnson had been honing his 40 M Americans might perish in a nuclear exchange spiel since the evening hours of the day of the assassination.

    On the orders of newly sworn in President Lyndon Baines Johnson, Texan aide Cliff Carter on the evening of the assassination called Texas and Dallas officials, telling them to stop all conspiracy talk and halt all investigations of all assassination leads that didn’t point to Oswald being the lone assassin. Dallas County Prosecutor Henry Wade recieved three such calls made from the White House by Carter, who added that assassination leads could point to Cuba or the Soviets, and if made public would force the President to take actions he wanted to avoid, a possible nuclear exchange with the Soviets with up to 40 M Americans killed in an hour.

    Dallas Police Chief Curry and Texas Attorney General Carr also recieved Carter’s call from the White House that evening.

    Federal agencies didn’t have to be plea bargained by LBJ, for as President he could order them to carry out his commands.

    As for Hoover, he claimed to have determined Oswald acted alone within two hours after he was arrested. This had to be seen as keen dectective instincts on Hoover’s part, as massive evident pointed to more shots than the FBI’s claimed three shots, all from the TSBD.

    So Hoover led his FBI to be the only official investigative agency in the assassination. Oswald was to be protrayed as the lone assassin acting totally on his own, firing three shots.

    Years later President Johnson would claim he didn’t think Oswald worked alone.

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