ain’t no saint

Hi all. Is the Gate open yet? Anyone here? I took a little vacay from the Avenue. I didn’t think anyone would really notice, but I was sweetly surprised by a special someone who sent me a text making sure I was okay since I hadn’t been posting. You know who you are :-* What a nice friend. <3

Anyone else back? The line sure has been quiet.

Hope everyone is off to a great start to the week!

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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12 Responses to ain’t no saint

  1. A*/` says:

    I think that when it comes to humans, we can all agree that their past behavior is the best predictor of their future performance.

    • G^/~ says:

      We all have a legacy, the mark we leave behind after we are gone. Even if it is not thought of, it is still there. The only one who has no legacy is the immortal we found on this planet. Some say he may be the blueprint of humanity. He may be the reason that the human brain has so much potential. What would we discover if he started to use that brain. For now he is complacent because he knows he has no legacy to consider since he will never be gone. Should we wait idly until he begins to use that weapon in his head. Yes, make no mistake it is a weapon. I say kill him now while the godchild is harmless.

      Less you think us illogical we have tested one ability of this immortal he has the ability sensory shroud all sentient life in the Universe. He can prevent those beings from seeing, hearing smelling, tasting or feeling the touch of others. We the population of that Universe will lose those things, but we will be aware, and we will remember what we had before he took those things from us. He may be the origin of humankind, he may even be the origin of life in the Universe, but he is also what humans call Armageddon. We believe he represents a dramatic and catastrophic conflict between life as we know it and what he could change it to. We must destroy this creature before he destroys us.

      • I[2 says:

        We agree kill this creature while he is still unaware of his power.

        • PrP says:

          No! Let sleeping Kings lie. He may be as destructive as you say. But I would proffer Him being capable of the opposite, too. And what a wonderous thing for all to behold! I encourage friendship, understanding, and entertainment. Imagine what you can’t imagine now. You may learn A LOT. I volunteer to parlay if you gutless wonders can’t. Don’t be like humans – distrustful and hating of that you don’t understand and can’t comprehend. L O V E

          • Lewis says:

            Wise and very logical. Also what if the three Gods many aliens have come to believe exist get pissed because someone is trying to kill their “child?”

      • Michelle says:

        I agree with PrP.
        Although, curious how you know of this ability of his and why you think he doesn’t?

    • C]3 says:

      History is written by the victor. There are no true histories on the planet earth. At most their history is sprinkled with a bit of truth, but only if it would serve the victor’s aims.

  2. R]4 says:

    Why are you so set upon supporting the USA? The whites in that country have been creating animus between their non white races and then exploiting that animus to have them fight each other. The whites in the USA are well aware of where an alliance between the non whites could lead. Together they could demand and get equality with their white citizens. The white leaders of the USA have always acted upon the belief that they needn’t fight the desire for equality of a united non white citizenry when they can create and exploit racial animus between them. As you are well aware, that policy is continuing today. In their lingo, in the past they have “played” their minorities. Today they continue to “play” them.

    • H]5 says:

      Because it is by far still the best hope on this planet for equality for all. Just because the white racist element is making a last ditch stand to thwart the coming new demographics of America is no reason to give up on the USA.

  3. T*/ says:

    The human race is a cattle planet. Let’s not fight among ourselves for the spoils.

  4. Basil says:

    Those in power have asked me “what is the extent of your power, and how will you use it?” I responded. “If I am murdered by a white racist thug with a badge, I will go after his and those who command him and their constellation. My people will trace their family tree back to their great-great-grandparents and then identify all their living descendants branching out from those individuals. Not just their direct descendants but all the aunts and uncles, first and second cousins removed or otherwise. I don’t care how many people they uncover, I want them all dead. Then my people will locate all their friends and lovers, past and present. That will include the first boy or girl they kissed and the man or woman they gave their virginities to. I will also kill their teachers and coworkers. My people will kill their parents and siblings. Basically anyone in the extended orbit of those involved in my murder. I want dead all the lives my murders made a meaningful mark upon. I want dead anyone who would remember my murders after my people have killed them.“
    My special delight is that they will be told why they are being hunted and killed. They will know that the last ones to be killed would be my murderers. I can only imagine the hatred they will have and express towards them as they watch their loved ones being killed in the most imaginatively painful ways.

    • Jake says:

      Dude, you are draconian in your need for revenge. How do you know that the person accused of killing you really did it? People do get framed you know.

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