cake and ……

It’s Cake and Cunnilingus Day! Let’s all celebrate!

Cake and Cunnilingus Day – Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cake and Cunnilingus Day is a satirical holiday celebrated on 14 April as a female response to Steak and Blowjob Day, which is celebrated on 14 March. It was created in 2006 by web designer, writer and filmmaker Ms. Naughty and has since been adopted in multiple countries as a day to emphasize female enjoyment and honor women.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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11 Responses to cake and ……

  1. political watcher says:

    Mississippi has asked the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

    • Ed says:

      I hope it is overturned. Maybe some of these dumb white females will get a clue.

      • PrP says:

        Men should have no standing to dictate what women do with their bodies. A woman can only get pregnant once every nine months. A man can get multiple women pregnant everyday!

        • Eric says:

          I agree with you, but to make that happen women would have to stand up and vote to put in politicians who will write laws to make that happen. Don’t hold your breath.

          As I see it, if the dumb bitches don’t care enough to make their superior numbers at the polls count for what they want, then they shouldn’t complain when the men go to the polls and make what they want to happen happen.

          As a man, I don’t see how a being, as stupid as the American white female, should be trusted with handling her body issues or any other issues. You can’t deny that she leaves it to us males to decide those issues and on occasion she bitches when it is not completely to her liking. Well who’s fault is that!

          She out numbers men at the polls but she continues to favor men with her vote. She out lives her husband, but leaves the business interests to her sons not her daughters.

          She takes her daughters to worship in places where they are told that God favors men over females. The man is the head of the household and if she is catholic her daughters are on their knees to a man every Sunday being told that ONLY a man can forgive her sins when she kneels before him and prays for it. Damn, she can only rise to be a Nun in that holy place. How long do you think it takes her subconscious mind to arrive at the conclusion that Nun means Nothing. The religion is about men. She is a Nothing and she must die if the choice is between saving her sorry life or the life of her child, especially it is a Something, eh male.

          Regardless of how many women a man can get pregnant in a day, it can only happen if the women are content to allow their vaginas to be used as an ashtray for the man’s sperm.

          “No glove, No love.”

  2. Anonymous says:

    America is the only country in the world where 700 billionaires can become $1.7 trillion richer during the pandemic & pay a lower tax rate than a nurse while 46 million owe $1.7 trillion in student debt, 113 million struggle to pay for healthcare & 600,000 are homeless.

  3. Randall says:

    The Russian military is a Potemkin Village. While Billions have been approved for improvements, none of it was spent but rather skimmed off by Putin and his buddies believing that good propaganda on military’s qualities was all that was needed. Until it had to be used. And now, what we’re seeing is incompetence and graft on such a grand scale that really hasn’t been seen since the height of the 19th century. The Moskva has for years been shown as a threat vessel of the Soviet Navy. Now the pride of the Black Sea fleet was laid low by two Ukrainian Retread Russian anti ship missiles. While Putin makes a lot of noise, his own military is scared to death of what would happen if they ticked off NATO enough to send quality troops and equipment against them. They wouldn’t stand a chance.

    • John says:

      The “ammunition magazine” that burned was likely filled with cruise missiles, the same cruise missiles that Russia has been raining down on civilian targets for six weeks now.

      Each of those inclined cannisters on Moskva’s deck is a cruise missile launcher, sixteen launchers in all.

      She may still be able to make way, but Moskva has been declawed. It could take six months to never to get those loading and launching systems up and running again, especially if the magazine fire communicated across the ship’s midline.

      The remaining question is, what happened to the nuclear warheads she was carrying? Moskva is nuclear armed. Or at least she’s supposed to be.

  4. Kevin says:

    Eric, there was no reply button for your comment. I guess PrP didn’t like the comment and wanted to end the string. Here’s my take. Where was the cure for stupid discovered? The laws have been drilled into their tiny brains. I don’t know what the sentence is but I hope it’s more than an ankle monitor. My sister is right up there with stupid. Her husband died and left her 43 million big ones, and the family business. She left equal shares of the money to her two daughters and two sons, but she left the business entirely to be split between the two boys.

    The girls were livid, especially since they kept the business afloat during their father’s illness. The boys lost the business to a take over. One’s a lawyer and the other is electrical engineer. The two girls are both MBAs. One is an executive at Microsoft and the other owns a small hedge fund.

    They assumed their mother would divide the business between all four siblings, but she expressly stated she was leaving the the family jewels and the business to the men of the family. Just another stupid American white woman.

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