
In Old English, tīwesdæg, means “Tiu’s day.” 

Tiu was a Germanic god of the sky and war (also known as Tyr in Norse mythology). The names of the days of the week were modeled on Latin, and the Latin days of the week were named after planets, which were named after gods. The Latin for Tuesday was diēs Mārtis, “Mars’s day,” with Mars being the Roman god of war. Anglo-Saxons swapped out Mars for their Germanic counterparts—in Old English that was Tiu, yielding Tuesday.

We honor Tui (sometimes Tiw) or Tyr – the one-handed god.

In Norse mythology, the legend is that Fenrir, a gigantic wolf, was prophesized to kill Odin, so the Gods decided to keep him restrained but he kept breaking his tethers. Then the Gods asked the dwarves to use magic to craft a massive chain, called the Gleipnir, made from “the sound of cat’s footfall, a woman’s beard, the root’s of a mountain, bear sinews, fish breath, and bird spittle.” Fenrir only agreed to be bound with Gleipnir if one of them would stick their hand in his mouth. You know how the story ends.

Just a heads up that I’m migrating the domain over to a new platform and unsure how the transaction might affect connect time. If you get an error, rest assured, the Avenue will be back up as soon as feasible. And, once done, things should be better. Thanks for hanging in there.

Today, on this day in Black History, Joseph L. Searles III became the first black floor member and floor broker in the New York Stock Exchange. He worked as a floor partner in the firm of Neburger, Loeb and Company. It was less than fifteen years ago(!), 2/13/2010, when the stock exchange admitted its first black member.

Thank you for reading today's post. Have an InterStellar Day! ~PrP

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26 Responses to tīwesdæg

  1. Jewel says:

    Slave memoirs yanked the veil off of America’s facade

    Narratives by formerly enslaved writers were critical to shedding light on the unthinkable realities of enslavement.

    By Zahara Hill
    In the everlasting faceoff between Black history and America’s self-conception, it’s worth revisiting one of the fight’s earliest and most valiant weapons of war: the slave memoir.

    Narratives by formerly enslaved writers like Olaudah Equiano, Frederick Douglass and Solomon Northup were critical to shedding light on the otherwise unthinkable realities of enslavement. Whatever idea of civility and morality America wanted to project to the world, slave memoirs were gutting proof to the contrary.


  2. Helen says:

    Did You Know

    The deepest point in all of the Earth’s oceans is the bottom of the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. The deepest area within the trench, appropriately named the Challenger Deep, is a staggering 36,037 feet (10,984 meters) below sea level.

  3. John says:

    Memo to the ‘Experts’: Stop Comparing Israel’s War in Gaza to Anything. It Has No Precedent | Opinion


  4. M]/b says:

    Loving these writes. Wish you still had the 👍🏼 that we could “Like” the post.
    I was researching the Norse mythology a few years back. Interesting stuff. Never read about the origin of the days of the week though. Good luck with the migration!
    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!❤️ If you can’t be with the one you love….

  5. LEi says:

    The vacation of the area around earth’s orbiting satellites was necessary because you gave the Russians technology which allowed them to develop weapons which can destroy every orbiting satellite in space but theirs within 24 minutes. The force of such a blast has forced everyone up here to leave the area.
    The numbers for an evacuation is at an all time high. Yes, while that blast will not endanger any MotherShips, it will pose a substantial danger to small craft cloaked near those satellites.
    Everyone was ordered out NOT because of the danger posed to any of us, but to isolate and resolve this issue of leaking technology to earthlings which could pose a threat to the orderly evacuation of those we have ties to not to mention our own people down there.

    For certain a reckoning is required. Most will not be allowed to return to the 4 planet sphere of earth’s solar system. Some will visit death as ˇÓ´ ´Â∏´‰O‰’Í patience is over with hand slapping on this issue.

    While ӈ͠˝‰ÅÇ´’ß patience may not be as ____, the consensus is for allowing agreement on the ˇÓ´ ´Â∏´‰O‰ÆÍ penalties. Hence the petitions to recenter the 4veM Zone will go as proposed.

    • K]2 says:

      Our ability to bring up personnel and earthlings will be seriously impaired if we have to reassembly them after their molecules have passed through a nuclear radiation field. Those responsible for giving the Russians that technology should be not only banned from reentry, but disciplined according to ˇÓ´´Â∏‰Ø´ÆÍ Edict.

  6. Robert says:

    Putin is threatening to destroy any satellite that enables the Ukraine to operate against it. The hypersonic deliverance of such a threat is beyond prevention by standard technology.

    The US and its allies are scrambling to come up with a deterrence to this Putin threat. Recognizing that Putin will deliver on his threat because a defeat in Ukraine would mean a bloody ouster and possibly death at the hands of the organization he put together to turn Russia in to mob run state.

    Couple this with the suspicion that someone is suppling Ukraine with the knowledge to morph weapon systems into formidable threats to russian weapons, including their ships aviation capabilities and infrastructure, and you have a situation that is bordering on first strike WWIII strategies. We may be in trouble folks.

    • Jacob says:

      As usual the republicans are playing politics with the nuclear threat Putin is leveraging towards the NATO. They know full well that any declassification of the data received on Russia’s threat to satellites orbiting earth would seriously endanger the people and means that gave us that intel.

  7. M]3 says:

    We were forced to shut down that thing the humans sent to Mars to shoot laser beams at rocks. They were aiming it at our boch sectors. As they could see what they were shooting their lasers at, we see no reason to reactivate that laser.

  8. L]5 says:

    Per your question. Yes, you may continue to affect any vehicle made by Tesla to the economic disadvantage of Musk.

  9. Lucy says:

    These are the high school diplomas we have policing our streets,
    Florida Cop Empties His Gun, Runs For Cover After Acorn Falls On Car
    Florida deputy Jesse Hernandez screamed “shots fired,” and frantically fired his gun after an acorn fell onto the roof of his squad car, making him jump.

    You have to be a pretty ace shot to hit a falling acorn. Screenshot:
    Loads of people feel skittish on the job and can be spooked by the slightest noise, but if you’re that kind of person it’s maybe not a good idea to have a career that lets you loose on the streets with a loaded weapon. Something Florida cops are likely to consider after video emerged this week of a Florida cop firing all the bullets from his gun and running for cover after he was spooked by a falling acorn.

    The officer, identified as deputy Jesse Hernandez, emptied the clip on his firearm back in November 2023 while attending to a call at McLaren Circle in Kissimmee, Florida. Hernandez had been attending a call in the area when an acorn fell from an oak tree and struck the roof of his squad car.

  10. Louis says:

    A priest and a rabbi go into a bar and sit down for a beer and a nice collegial chat. After a while, the conversation goes like this:

    “Aaron, I know that you keep to the law pretty strictly, so you’re not allowed to eat pork. But…did you ever…out of curiosity…try some pork just to see what you were missing?”

    “Well John, I tell you, when I was a young man in yeshiva I became very curious about what we are forbidden. So I sneaked out late one night, went to an all night diner, and had a ham sandwich.”

    After a long silence, the rabbi says,

    “But tell me John, I know that priests are celibate but…forgive me…did you ever have sex with a woman, just to see what it was you were giving up?”

    “Oh Aaron, when I was a young man in seminary, I too became very curious about carnal matters. So one night I left through the back door, went downtown, met a prostitute, and had sex with her.”

    Another long silence, and the rabbi says,

    “Better than a ham sandwich, isn’t it?”

  11. Linda says:

    What can I do about my ex-husband who has been disparaging President Donald J. Trump around our daughter? We are strong Trump Christians.

    • Anon says:

      See the truth and change your mind. So, a person with 92 indictments, zero morals, multiple civil convictions with penalties nearing $500M, who can legally not run a business in the state of NY for 3 years is asking to run the country? That’s just stupid.

    • PrP says:

      How the hell did you end up here linda I’m guessing you’re not really here you’re just a troll

  12. Ted says:

    Who are some of the most well-known cult leaders in history, and what made them so dangerous?
    The best example I can think of would be L. Ron Hubbard. Prolific science fiction writer turned dangerous cult leader. In a way, it’s hard not to admire the man for his honesty — because he did give the world the best quote ever on cults and shady false preachers:

    “You don’t get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”
    It’s fun, having your own religion. You can do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. And since you’re the one and only “enlightened one”, the Great Messenger, no one can question you. Hubbard started off as a conman, but eventually came to believe his own nonsense. He was deeply mentally ill.

    I remember Tom Cruise divorcing Nicole Kidman in the year 2001. One of the reasons for the divorce? Her father was a psychiatrist. And psychiatrists are “the enemy” according to Scientology, Hubbard’s invented faith. Not only because they would have told the great founder he was insane, but because they would have told his followers the same. Which would mean a loss of power.

    Imagine creating a religion that thinks psychiatry is “evil”. Because your deeply mentally ill Messiah hated admitting he was deeply mentally ill, rather than a visionary. Decades after his death, your followers still hate psychiatry. They hate everyone and everything that might point out the absurdity in their views. It’s crazy, like Hubbard. But also impressive, like Hubbard.

  13. Alycedale says:

    Hypatia: The Greek Philosopher Skinned Alive With Seashells

    Knowledge can be a wonderful thing, but in the case of the ancient philosopher and mathematician Hypatia of Alexandria, it also lead to her doom.

    Hypatia was one of the most important intellectuals of Byzantine Empire in the 4th Century, and she was also a woman.

    Her story is both inspiring and terrifying.

    Hypatia was born around 355, when the Roman empire had just split, leaving Alexandria in a disconnected state of religious and social unrest.

    Members of all religions – Christians, Jews, and pagans – were now living together in perpetual strife.

    Over the next few decades, their constant clashes would wipe out even more of the library’s contents as they struggled to define their new boundaries.

    The Egyptian city of Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC – about 600 years before Hypatia was born.

    Alexandria became a culturally sophisticated region of the world in a rather short amount of time.

    It was not only a beautiful city, but it held the Library of Alexandria, which contained more than half a million ancient scrolls.

    The city overflowed with artifacts and became a place where intellectualism could thrive, despite the ever-present degree of ignorance, slavery, violence, and religious strife.

    Alexandria offered man the opportunity to pull himself from the muck of fear, and embrace something larger than himself through the power of thought.

    And in the case of Hypatia, women as well.

    Hypatia was a thinker of the highest order, a teacher, and an inventor – but she was also a pagan and was not afraid to speak her mind in a landscape of religious separatism, conflict, and fear.

    Being a woman of intelligence, beauty, and strength could not save her from the shocking end she would meet at the hands of her own people.

    During a dangerous time when science and religion were often pitted against one another, it was precisely her knowledge and fearlessness that would place a target on her back.

    Her life of excellence would come to mean nothing, as a clash of powerful men rendered her one of the most tragic scapegoats in history.

    Hypatia had many admirers, one of whom was the civil governor of the city, Orestes .

    He was mostly a pagan and often in league with the Jewish community, who did not want to give all of Alexandria over to the Christian church.

    Despite his complicated beliefs, he supported the separation of church and state, and defended both Hypatia and her father Theon.

    Of course, Cyril and Orestes clashed, specifically around the time when the Jews began a violent conflict with the Christians.

    As a result, Cyril turned aggressively on the Jews and expelled them from the city, looting their homes and temples.

    Orestes was appalled and complained to the Roman government in Constantinople.

    Cyril tried to apologize for his rash decision, but Orestes refused the reconciliation and was subsequently targeted for assassination by 500 of Cyril’s pernicious monks.

    Even though Hypatia was not involved directly in these proceedings, she was a friend of Orestes and pontificated in the realm of non-Christian theology – two things that made her an easy target for an increasingly angry sect.

    In such a male-dominant political struggle, it made sense to target the woman who did not accept the ways of the dominant paradigm, but used her intelligence to cast doubt upon their devotions.

    Hypatia was a woman of intelligence and accomplishment – something quite unusual for women of the time.

    A woman like Hypatia was greatly feared by many in Alexandria.

    Because of this – and the fact she believed in paganism – many accused her of worshiping Satan. She had to be silenced for good.

    A magistrate named Peter the Lector gathered his fellow religious zealots, and hunted her down as she made her way from giving a lecture at the university.

    They ripped her from her carriage and proceeded to tear her clothes, pulling her along by her hair through the streets of the city.

    The group then dragged her into a nearby church where they stripped her and grabbed whatever they could find to destroy her.

    In this case it was the roofing tiles and oyster shells that laid around the freshly constructed building.

    With them, they tore her flesh from her body, skinning her alive in the name of all Christiandom.

    Her remains were then ripped apart and burned at the altar.

    The University of Alexandria, where she and her father Theon had taught, was burned to the ground as a sign of intolerance.

    In the aftermath of her slaying, there was a mass exodus of intellectuals and artists who feared for their own safety.

    A newly-minted sense of Christian power was installed in the great city……

    Sometimes death is a symbol that survives the test of time.

    Hundreds of years after her assassination, Hypatia – a Renaissance-style intellectual who defended the separation of church and state – lives on, associated with the struggle for freedom.

    Death of Hypatia’, by Alexis Clerc, from the late 19th century.

  14. Gwen says:

    What can I do as a grandmother who is a strong Christian woman supporting President Donald J. Trump to steer young people away from this sinful gay lifestyle? The Lord does not support this behavior.

    • Anon says:

      You can go fuck yourself.

    • Anonymous says:

      And v few people here support your mindset. Maybe you should lock your strong Christian self away in a convent, since the real world is obviously too much for you. Besides, I thought the Lord‘s message was all about love, I didn’t notice the disclaimer language.

      Another troll.

  15. Flo Rita says:

    Whose driving? Please call.

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